But something occurred to me this afternoon 26/11/2015 after an incident I experience with a set of inspectors that came to assess an asset (owner's name withheld). Like I do, once an idea or thought comes across my mind, I always want to put it down, I then title it:
Let's get some things clear.....
+ All of us were born naked but not empty because as an image of God we were carrying inestimable gifts and great potentials of God within us from heaven which must be consciously discovered and practically developed by us will change the world for better.
+ Never think you don't have nothing to offer, impacting the world has to be settled in our minds, we must think differently and developing our mindset in God's word for us to be empowered to transform the world.
+ It is heavenly resources we need to command earthly results. Therefore it is the wisdom and inspiration of the Holy Spirit in us that help us to proffer suitable and appropriate solution to life problems which is beyond the comprehension of human sense.
+ There is no limitation to what we can do in God's kingdom and the world as along we are receiving daily instructions from the Holy Spirit and we are willing to comply and apply what He has dropped into our spirits.
+ It will be a waste of life and living if all what we have been given by God were not used and channeled for the benefit of His kingdom and advancement of the world..
Dare to be different, you have something in you to offer which the world is eargerly waiting to see and experience!
Are you ready to offer it?
If you refuse to offer it...
"Remember the parable of the Talents"
- The first servant was given 5 Talents, invested and became double = 10 Talents
- The second servant was given 2 Talents, invested and became double = 4
- The third servant was given 1 Talent, buried it and lost it thereafter.
What am I saying,
No one here on earth will say "I don't have a talent". God has endowed every living soul with a minimum of one talent and he expects us to multiply it by investing in it by offering it.
So many people have asked me "Don, how can I discover my talent"?
My reply has always been that....
To answer this question, I always like to refer to my book;
Author: Rauf Kazeem Isaac
Book: Talent vs Gift
Page: 1 - 3
According to the dictionary, a talent is a natural endowment of a person. It is an ability or natural capacity that we have, which may range from our creativity to our athletic abilities. We all have them, but we are not always so good at identifying what they are. Sometimes they can be right in front of us, and we miss them.
If you can determine what your talents are, you can tap into an amazing resource that can help you in every aspect of your life, including your business. Whether you are searching for the perfect type of business to open or you want to find ways to grow the one you have, you may find the answer in your personal talents.
Let's quickly look at the ways to discover our talent.
Ask 10 people what their talents are and you are bound to get a variety of responses, many of which will include that they simply don't know. How can that be, you ask? Because people are often too close to what is going on for them to notice their natural abilities. So these gems go unnoticed and untapped, for years!
Finding your talent is actually much easier than you may realize.
Here are 5 simple ways to find your hidden talents:
1. Listen to others.
Those around you usually know what your talents are, even when you don't. If you think about it, people have likely been telling you that you are good at something for a long time. You just weren't listening. Now is the time to listen.
2. Determine what is easy.
Are there things that you find really easy or obvious to do, while others may struggle or muddle their way through? If you have things that you find super easy, you believe that they should be just as easy, or obvious, for others, but that's not how it plays out. In this scenario, they struggle while you stand there feeling like it was a cake walk!
3. What you enjoy most.
Your talents may be demonstrating itself in other ways. Are there magazine topics that you just can't get enough of? Are there shows you love? Think about what it is that you love to do most when you have free time. If you are drawn toward it, it is a natural talent.
4. Shut up already.
Is there a specific subject that you love to talk about, often to the point that your friends want to shoot you? Consider the subject, perhaps it may be one of your hidden talents or is connected to one.
5. Just ask.
Ask everyone you know that will give you an honest assessment about what they think your talents are. Ask them to ignore your bad habits and have them share the one or two things that they think you are hands down most talented at. Ask a lot of people who know you, but always ask them one-on-one. Compile the results and there is your hidden talent.
Key Components
When you know what your talents are, you feel more in tune with your life. You can also use those talents to excel in the business world. Whether you leverage those talents in your product or service, or you use them to network and make quality connections, they are important to know. When you capitalize on your talents, it no longer feels like work, it just feels like living. And anything that makes business and life more enjoyable is bound to be a good thing.
After carrying out the above 5 points, mail me @
donzikkmayowa@gmail.com so that I can carry out a talent discovering assessment for you.
Good evening my beloved....
Rauf Kazeem Isaac
(C) November, 2015.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN
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