Sunday, 22 November 2015


This day, 4th of November, 2015 was liKe a day I have one of the best sleeps ever... I was glued to my bed, as in, I felt like, I shouldn't go to work but all of a student I stood up, get to the toilet and took my bath... Do you know why?

I was inspired yesterday by some of my students saying

"Mr. Rauf you are the best teacher have ever seen, you teach, I understand, please, when is your leave expiring so that you can take over your subjects back"

I replied... "Ah!!!! The person taking you now, he's my Boss in those subjects (Maths, Physics and F/maths) I teach o"

After leaving the office, I sat down and here is what runs through my mind...

As I summarized the Virtues and Values inherent in us to be true and great hero of our time if we must stunned the world and make indelibly marks that will be imprinted in the sand of times, we must not forget that this last point cannot be under-emphasized.
Inspiration is the finality of all. The source of inspiration determines the flow. To be glowing, we have to maintain the flow of high-level spiritual thoughts that is impeccable and immaculate. A more holy life void of corrupting influences and the nature of the fallen man, will attract pure thought that will distinguish such leader to be in great esteem. To the pure all things are pure while to the defiled all things are defiled.
Inspiration is the melting point and meeting point of the human spirit with the divine. Inspiration brings about quality control from higher realm to the human realm. One major contributing factor that initiates this vital virtue is Prayer. Deep meditation and incessant devotional life characterize a strongly-inspired life as this touches the inner sanctum of the human spirit to bring about what is possible in the life of the people being led and driven. Our covenant relationship with God makes our inspirational life a fast-moving spiritual electron charged that would sporadically emits conflagration, inferno, revival of whatever Vision, Values, Virtues and Voice we are passing around while on pilgrimage to the Holy city heaven.

Are you inspired and do you inspire?
Good morning my fellow Nigerians.....
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

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