Monday, 30 November 2015


Just as many were on the look out to see the last month of the year 2015 named December.

I have come up with another epistle I titled:

"Welcome December"

Like we all know December is last month of year, which have many memories in it and a big past going to be hide infront a beautiful future, December is always painful by its peace and silence so take it as it, and enjoy the rain, snow, winds and all flavors of winter.

Let me quickly tell you little of the month DECEMBER:

December is the twelfth and last month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian Calendars. It is one of seven months with the length of 31 days.

December is the first month of meteorological winter in the Northern Hemisphere and in the Southern Hemisphere is the first month of summer. December is the month with the shortest daylight hours of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the longest daylight hours of the year in the Southern Hemisphere.

December gets its name from the Latin word decem (meaning ten) because it was originally the tenth month of the old Roman calendar, which began with March), from decem (ten), from the Greek deca

Now, this question we should ask ourselves is. What does DECEMBER has to offer?

The month DECEMBER is a month of crossing over to a new beginning of new life, meaning that, the Old Man Nature should be dropped and pick up the garment of righteousness. That is why, the month of DECEMBER has been ascribed to:

D - Deliver us from
E - Every
C - Causes
E - Emanating
M - Mindlessly
B - By
E - Eternal
R - Rest in Christ.....


This is because Christ the saviour of sinner had paid it all on the cross of Calvary, he wept and at the end, he said "It os finish"

Jesus was born in this tenth month (December) and he was bruised, beaten, pierced, nailed, killed for me and for you, all because he loves us.

Remember, John 3:16 declares it and said, "...whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life"

Why don't you come to Jesus today,
He'll wash your sins awat
He'll make you white as snow
'Cos he cares for you

In this month of DECEMBER, I want you to

Open ur Mind to Possibilities
You'll be amazed by what you are capable of achieving
And you'll know that you are powerful beyond measure.
May the Almighty God balance the mathematical equation for you this new Month.

Try to make your new month
as bright as moon
as gay as butterflies
as colorful as rainbow
as lovely as flowers
as happy as birds.
So you'll enjoy your new month at full extent.;)

And I want to assure you, if you come to Jesus today,

Just Like the Eagle,
You'll fly Like Gold,
You will be Valued Like the Sun,
You shall shine bright Like the river,
You shall flow unlimited Like the Palm Tree,
You shall Flourish and like Money, You shall be Useful

Seriously... December - My own month of birth! I was born on the 13th of December.

It felt like yesterday when we shouted Happy 2015.

To God be the glory we are alive.

May we all end this year with joy and happiness. O=)

I smell Christmas =-D

Enjoy your best month in 2015({}) =-*

Happy New Month!!!!


Rauf Kazeem Isaac
(C) Decemmber, 2015.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

Friday, 27 November 2015



(The lyrics in this poem should be taken personal, I just felt like, putting something down)

Dear Titilope.....
Oh, 'Goddess of Beauty',
you walked into this world like a bright sunshine,
and life has gone into complete metamorphosis,
I am ecstatic, I am honored.

Love is you,
in your care and tenderness,
in your smile,
in your silky smooth touch,
without you "I" am (world) is nothing;

Your love is what am celebrating,
I live, and I live because I (world) loves you
I, now, enjoy the fullness of life,
life is a bliss as it appears-more meaningful
Without you my life is not worth a dime.

For we are one my love,
is what I'd wait, and
I would wait till eternity
I'll wait for the day when you will be mine forever, and
Forever you would remain in my heart as an 'Epitome of Love'

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Dear Tope,

If I may describe you, you are

Just Like Jewels Gems
and Rubies Rare
and Distinguished and Unique Virtuous
Full Of The Spirit Of Kind Loving and Sweet
Discerning Compassionate

An 'Hopostofic Preco'
A Paragon Of Virtue
An Epitome of Beauty
A Drop Dead Gorgeous Damsel

The Beauty of Iwa isn't in the clothes you wear
The Figure that you carry
Or the way you comb your hair
isn't in a facial mole
but true beauty is reflected by your soul

Tope, you are like a tree planted by the waterside
That yields her fruit in its time and tide
That never cease to bloom through the climes
You are a close companion one ought to have
You are not the blend that craves materialism
But with peerless zest you seek good futurism
Being virtuous you stand out among the rest

Your voice sedates melancholy
Your gossips bring joy and harmony
You are prayeful, resourceful and kind
You like industry and distates negligence
Indispensable and exalted for her diligence

Tope, you are like a star shining in the sky
The only one seen by every eye
Because you lead a life of austerity
Tope, you are, I may say, simply active and an Epitome Of Beauty.
*Hopostofic means Unique
*Preco means Unusual Behaviour
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Oh Brothers and Sisters, you could recollect I published an article I titled "YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO OFFER".
Today I want to continue with this same topic but in a different dimension which I sub titled:


The three servants who received talents from their master were given so as to invest in it and make profit in order for the master to know how productive they are but one failed, do you know why? He fail because he doesn't have a focus. If he had a focus, if he had a target, goal and a destination, he would have been rewarded but reverse was the case. But the other two were productive, it's not that it was easy, but because they have a focus, goal and a purpose, which is the reward they want to receive.

Quickly recollect the Yoruba adage says that a blacksmith that is hitting a steel on the same spot has a purpose in mind. That talks of focus in a chosen field, calling or career. Since it is very clear that God has a great assignment for everyone of us, one of the necessary ingredients needed to fulfill it is focus.

Focus means sticking to a course no matter the obstacle and difficulties. Focus means having the end in mind and giving it one's best shot. Focus will make you concentrate your effort on one thing until u are successful in it.

Many people diffuse their efforts in many things, and that is why they seem not to be getting the desired God promised result. Joseph focused on being a successful administrator in Egypt and he excelled in it. David concentrated his effort on being a great king and he made a name. Paul focused on being a minister of the gospel and his impact is still on record. My dear friend, what exactly does God want you to do? Do just that sir/ma. Don't diffuse your energy doing what God has not fashioned and anointed you for.

Multi gifted people might have a big issue with focus if they don't have an understanding of their assignments. You can do many things, but the most important thing is to do what God wants you to do. Apostle Paul said in Philippians 3:13 (NLT) - "No, dear brothers and sisters, I am still not all I should be, but I am FOCUSING all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead".

Dear friend, what are you focusing all your energies on?

Like we all know, life is too short to try to be the echo of another man's voice, concentrate on what God called you to do and keep doing it. Many men and women that made impact in the kingdom that I read of in the Holy Bible and pages of history were people of focus. Some of them started what God told them to do when it wasn't even popular and enticing, but they kept at it.

Today they are the best for it. My dear, don't quit because it is not working or it is not popular. Don't be distracted, if God asked you to do it, then do it. I will never forget the inspiring story of God's mighty prophet (William Branham) who abandoned his assignment because of the prominence of another area of the calling in the body of Christ. He left his assignment, embraced another and lost his life in the process. I don't know may be you are already getting discouraged because of many distractions, the counsel of God for you today is to be focused on what God asked you to do, that is the way to kingdom greatness.

Jesus did it and we can do it. I pray for all my friends that we will be and do all that God wants us to be and do for him without being distracted in Jesus name. Amen. Have a purpose driven day.

Kazeem Isaac, Rauf writes.
(C) November, 2015.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

Thursday, 26 November 2015


For some days now, I haven't send an article, this is due to some busyness of my business.

But something occurred to me this afternoon 26/11/2015 after an incident I experience with a set of inspectors that came to assess an asset (owner's name withheld). Like I do, once an idea or thought comes across my mind, I always want to put it down, I then title it:


Let's get some things clear.....

+ All of us were born naked but not empty because as an image of God we were carrying inestimable gifts and great potentials of God within us from heaven which must be consciously discovered and practically developed by us will change the world for better.

+ Never think you don't have nothing to offer, impacting the world has to be settled in our minds, we must think differently and developing our mindset in God's word for us to be empowered to transform the world.

+ It is heavenly resources we need to command earthly results. Therefore it is the wisdom and inspiration of the Holy Spirit in us that help us to proffer suitable and appropriate solution to life problems which is beyond the comprehension of human sense.

+ There is no limitation to what we can do in God's kingdom and the world as along we are receiving daily instructions from the Holy Spirit and we are willing to comply and apply what He has dropped into our spirits.

+ It will be a waste of life and living if all what we have been given by God were not used and channeled for the benefit of His kingdom and advancement of the world..

Dare to be different, you have something in you to offer which the world is eargerly waiting to see and experience!

Are you ready to offer it?


If you refuse to offer it...

"Remember the parable of the Talents"

- The first servant was given 5 Talents, invested and became double = 10 Talents

- The second servant was given 2 Talents, invested and became double = 4

- The third servant was given 1 Talent, buried it and lost it thereafter.

What am I saying,

No one here on earth will say "I don't have a talent". God has endowed every living soul with a minimum of one talent and he expects us to multiply it by investing in it by offering it.

So many people have asked me "Don, how can I discover my talent"?

My reply has always been that....

To answer this question, I always like to refer to my book;

Author: Rauf Kazeem Isaac
Book: Talent vs Gift
Page: 1 - 3

According to the dictionary, a talent is a natural endowment of a person. It is an ability or natural capacity that we have, which may range from our creativity to our athletic abilities. We all have them, but we are not always so good at identifying what they are. Sometimes they can be right in front of us, and we miss them.

If you can determine what your talents are, you can tap into an amazing resource that can help you in every aspect of your life, including your business. Whether you are searching for the perfect type of business to open or you want to find ways to grow the one you have, you may find the answer in your personal talents.
Let's quickly look at the ways to discover our talent.
Ask 10 people what their talents are and you are bound to get a variety of responses, many of which will include that they simply don't know. How can that be, you ask? Because people are often too close to what is going on for them to notice their natural abilities. So these gems go unnoticed and untapped, for years!
Finding your talent is actually much easier than you may realize.

Here are 5 simple ways to find your hidden talents:
1. Listen to others. 
Those around you usually know what your talents are, even when you don't. If you think about it, people have likely been telling you that you are good at something for a long time. You just weren't listening. Now is the time to listen.
2. Determine what is easy. 
Are there things that you find really easy or obvious to do, while others may struggle or muddle their way through? If you have things that you find super easy, you believe that they should be just as easy, or obvious, for others, but that's not how it plays out. In this scenario, they struggle while you stand there feeling like it was a cake walk!
3. What you enjoy most. 
Your talents may be demonstrating itself in other ways. Are there magazine topics that you just can't get enough of? Are there shows you love? Think about what it is that you love to do most when you have free time. If you are drawn toward it, it is a natural talent.
4. Shut up already. 
Is there a specific subject that you love to talk about, often to the point that your friends want to shoot you? Consider the subject, perhaps it may be one of your hidden talents or is connected to one.
5. Just ask. 
Ask everyone you know that will give you an honest assessment about what they think your talents are. Ask them to ignore your bad habits and have them share the one or two things that they think you are hands down most talented at. Ask a lot of people who know you, but always ask them one-on-one. Compile the results and there is your hidden talent.
Key Components
When you know what your talents are, you feel more in tune with your life. You can also use those talents to excel in the business world. Whether you leverage those talents in your product or service, or you use them to network and make quality connections, they are important to know. When you capitalize on your talents, it no longer feels like work, it just feels like living. And anything that makes business and life more enjoyable is bound to be a good thing.

After carrying out the above 5 points, mail me @ so that I can carry out a talent discovering assessment for you. 

Good evening my beloved....

Rauf Kazeem Isaac
(C) November, 2015.

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

Monday, 23 November 2015


Download this file and make your marriage a blessed and a fruitful one.

Rauf Kazeem Isaac

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


Just this monday morning, 23rd November, 2015, about 20days (480 hours) to my birthday, I just asked myself a question pretending as if I don't know.

Can you guess at the question?

Am sure you failed!

The question is: Isaac, Who is your Hero?

The same question am asking you readers that:


I will like to say some things concerning the topic "Who is Your Hero" using two lines of the Nigeria National Anthem:

"The Labor of our heroes past shall"
"never be in vain…"

I always wanted and I'll be a hero like Nelson Mandela, Malcolm X or Ken Sarowiwa, Babs Fafunwa, Prof Chike Obi, etc.

I guess it stemmed from watching Sarafina re-runs as a
kid. Those were heroes I believed in, not the fictional ones Marvel and DC comics entertained us with. Though it wouldn't have hurt to have super-human strength, I didn't quite fancy having a secret identity; I believed that everyone needed someone to believe in, a cause to fight for. That the weak needed a hero and he didn't have to have a cape or a phone booth just an iron will, a caring heart and the focus and determination needed to effect a change. Heck, he didn't even need to be a man! I spent a great part of primary school social studies learning about Queen Amina, Mary Slessor and Joan of arc; so I thought of it so, women could do it too…?

Then I became a teenager and got a healthy dose of curiosity mixed with dread. I'd blossomed into adolescence with the curiosity that inherently followed it at a time when the leader of the country had SSS everywhere. Just I was told that back then, If you coughed and his secret service heard his name in the cough, you got jailed and maybe even put away permanently. Freedom of speech was taught in school but holding your tongue was the word on the street.

Then, I asked myself...

+ How could I be a hero if I couldn't even express myself?

+ How could I stand up to injustice if the very people supposed to hear my cry were merely puppets in the hands of a powerful tyrant?

I shrank like a violet, afraid to be burnt and buried my head back in my books…

Somewhere in the Oyo State which I won't mention, where I am from, a group of youths were thinking and feeling the same way I was, they didn't have books to hide behind cos most were uneducated, they didn't have good food or money or even cartoons. They had never heard of superman or sarafina but it didn't matter cos they felt something more powerful than a cinema could re-enact, they felt a stubbornness deep within, they felt a rage kindling like a fire as they watched the greedy power moguls smile at the expatriates with their well fed bellies and fat pockets as they plundered their land, polluted their water, killed their fish, ruined their harvest and watched in glee the widespread destruction only seeing crude oil and naira where they should have seen family legacies and means of livelihood. The youth rebelled, they wanted to be heroes. They remembered the stories they had heard as kids, the stories of men enslaved who stood up and fought for pride and honor.

They knew nothing about strategy or diplomacy nor did they care to know. They had a wound, a grave injustice had been done and their grievances loomed over their adversaries. They would get back what was theirs and avenge the loss of what they held dear, they were united in a singleness of purpose…and M.E.N.D was born.

Alas no one prepared them for the cunning of a deceitful tongue with a hidden agenda, empathizing with them while leading them away from the goals that governed their force…they hurt the innocent,
another hero turned vile…He had told them that sometimes innocents had to be sacrificed for the greater good…they must have listened a little too attentively…

Someone in the North had a fight too. They were born heroes, nomads without fear, serving a God who had given them the will not to back down from a fight and the wisdom to know when to hold their peace. They had stood up against the decadence of the Western civilization, alarmed that the secular education would erase the morals of their precious children, make them forget Allah and embrace a life that would disgrace their lineage.

Somebody got fed-up, somebody looked at the infidels on television and swore to end the plague that attacked his people like a deadly virus from a land beyond the seas. Somebody felt that burning desire to impact his surroundings and earn a place in the heavens and Boko Haram was born. No child was meant to die, no innocent was meant to perish, the people were supposed to be forced out of the trance they had entered and focus on all that was holy but somebody didn't realize that his idea was the perfect loophole for those who sought evil, somebody didn't anticipate that impressionable youths could be brainwashed to break the laws of the very book they fought to uphold and protect. Somebody didn't know…

...He only wanted to be a hero.

Some chose the power of the pen, like Rauf Kazeem Isaac, others the power of the sword, others the power of their voice and yet others the strength of their actions.

Before I continue, what power have you chosen?
There's a hero in us all and a thin line separates hero from villain, it all depends on who you are cheering for and whether or not your cause falls in line with the greater good.

Our greater good has always been

"One Nation bound in freedom, peace and unity…"

Nigeria is 55 and it is a land of forgotten heroes. Who sings the praises of Sir Tafawa Balewa, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Sir Herbert Macauley and Obafemi Awolowo? Rather than striving to perfect the work that these men gave their lives fighting for, we trample on their memories and spit on their graves. If they lived in these times, would they have been motivated to fight or would they have sat folding hands in despair
like most Nigerians do viewing our nation as un-redeemable? Would they weep if they could see our misguided heroes-turned-terrorists or the would-be heroes banished permanently to the back seat of our minds because someone had told us it was better to live a miserable life than fight? For how long would Wole Soyinka and Chinua Achebe, although dead fight alone? For how long would we allow the blood of MKO Abiola, Ken Sarowiwa and Bola Ige be just a couple of senseless killings?

"The Labor of our Heroes past shall never be in

Every time we sang the National anthem, we glossed over the words like they were the lyrics of a not-so popular song.

Just imagine...

Where did the compatriots go?

They had still not arisen to obey Nigeria's call to serve, too busy chasing 1000 naira notes.

Gani Fawehinmi had taken that anthem seriously, Tai Solarin had too but were they random oddballs in a sea of bland citizens?

And how about our un-sung heroes? T.Y Bello who chose to lift our spirits and paint a beautiful Nigeria among the negative bandwagon who took delight in flogging a dead horse and spelling out the troubles of a nation already under worldwide public ridicule?

How about the man or woman or child who chose to do right in a country where right hardly paid off? These were our heroes.

You could be one too…

We cannot build our nation if everyone wants to be the villain. The nation is ripe for salvation, we are 55…

Life begins at 40…11years gone and we still long for a hero, a man or woman who will break the status quo, who will fear no man, who will make the world pay attention and create a Nigeria we have only dreamed of.

Search within you, we all have a special gift. One day, the God we serve will require of each of us our country Nigeria and while we rattle on about what Nigeria didn't do for us, He will raise His hand so we
pause and ask what we did for Nigeria.

"Let's join hands to make Nigeria better…"

…Daddy when I grow up, I wanna be a hero like superman and fly and catch all those bad bad people way dey spoil Nigeria…

Do not give up on Nigeria…Have a great night day peeps....

Rauf Kazeem Isaac
(C) November, 2015
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

Sunday, 22 November 2015


Most women experience feminine issues from time to time. Unfortunately, the fact that they're common doesn't make them any less embarrassing. Feminine odor is especially frustrating, because it can leave you feeling unclean and gross, even if that's not the case. There are lots of causes for feminine odor, but here are the top five culprits.

Bacterial vaginosis:

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) sounds like a big scary term, but it's actually very common. In fact, BV is the most common cause of vaginal odor, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Every v**ina is filled with naturally occurring bacteria, and BV is simply an overgrowth of that bacteria. According to Mary M. Galenberg, M.D., OB-GYN for the Mayo Clinic, most women in their reproductive years will experience at least one case of BV. The cause is unknown, but unprotected s*x and frequent douching can put you at a higher risk. Other symptoms include itching, soreness and discharge.

Some cases of BV will go away on their own, but Planned Parenthood recommends that all women with BV symptoms visit their doctor for treatment to prevent rare but serious complications. Treatment for BV is usually as simple as a course of antibiotics.

Yeast infection:

A yeast infection is also very common (and very uncomfortable!). They present much like BV, with the addition of a thick, white discharge. Yeast infections don't require antibiotics and instead can be treated with one- or three-course vaginal anti-fungal treatments. Your doctor may also recommend a one-time oral anti-fungal treatment. Treatment for yeast infections has become very simple and can even be purchased over-the-counter. Most of these treatments tend to get messy, so it's better to use them overnight.

Galenberg recommends you visit your doctor if you are experiencing these symptoms but have never been diagnosed with a yeast infection, as well as if treatment doesn't resolve the symptoms or you get four or more infections in one year.

Sexually transmitted diseases:

Some STDs can cause feminine odor, the most common being chlamydia and gonorrhea. Both diseases are common and easy to treat, but can cause serious complications if they go untreated. Unfortunately, both are also often undiagnosed because they may or may not produce symptoms. The most common symptoms of chlamydia and gonorrhea include painful urination and puss-like discharge, although an unpleasant odor is often present as well. See your doctor immediately if you are experiencing any of these symptoms and avoid risk by abstaining or using protection during s*x.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease:

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) occurs when bacteria (usually sexually transmitted) travel through the v**ina into the uterus. It is often a late-stage result of an undiagnosed STD, such as chlamydia. PID usually isn't diagnosed until you experience chronic pain or have trouble getting pregnant because it often doesn't have symptoms. If symptoms of PID do present, they may include pelvic pain, odor, heavy discharge, fever, fatigue, painful intercourse or painful urination.

PID can often be treated with antibiotics, though it may leave behind scar tissue that has lasting effects. According to Galenberg, lasting effects might include chronic pain, infertility or ectopic pregnancies.

Poor feminine hygiene:

It's possible that the cause for your feminine odor may be nothing more than poor hygiene. We've got a lot of complicated parts down there, and caring for them isn't always easy. Make sure you're covering all your bases to keep your lady parts fresh and clean.

First and foremost, make sure you're washing thoroughly every day. Women have oil and sweat glands in the vaginal area that, while completely natural, can cause odor if not attended to. Use mild, fragrance-free soaps, because anything else can upset that sensitive area and lead to even more troubles. Make sure you wipe from front to back after using the restroom and wear clean underwear every day, even if you don't have time to shower.

There are a lot of products out there that claim to help with odor and keep our parts "presentable," but stay away from them. Douches, sprays, cloths and creams all claim to help women achieve some sort of super-cleanliness, but they actually cause more problems than they solve. Douches remove some of the bacteria that work to keep your v**ina healthy, and scented products have been known to cause irritation.
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Human Sexuality

Uhmmmmm...... It has become often and often that over the past few days, I have been posting talks/write-up about Sexual Life and the stuff, but to be frankly speaking, I do tell or ask people that "when is the last time you had a good long talk about sex with yourself?" But I hardly receive reply or responses that are factual. The reason is that they always tend to pretend to proof to people they are "HOLY". But as a matter of fact, how can we neglect such a discussion?

Well, there's no time like the present. We're constantly bombarded with sex info telling us what the benchmark is , what's right and what's wrong. Anxiety creeps into bed and we begin to question our own abilities, our confidence, even our own satisfaction. The cycle of worrying begins and the more we
worry, the more it effects our performance and our mood.

Challenging Myths
Let's get some definitions clear:

Human Sexuality is the capacity to have erotic experiences that can be of a biological, emotional or spiritual nature. It's different for everyone as our experiences are unique. When we believe blindly in the messages about sex that are constantly around us we have little option to challenge or explore these myths. The invitation is to discover our assumptions about sexual relationships and discover our unique experience of sex. The more you question and explore your own needs and expectations the closer you'll be to discovering what's right for you and debunking a lot of myths. The invitation is to question yourself and more importantly trust your answers.

How To Explore
Next time you feel a sexy urge ask yourself:

1. What was it that I was doing, thinking, feeling that made me feel this urge?

Remember urges can happen for all sorts of reasons, and at any time or place. Just because sexuality has been associated with the bedroom it doesn't mean that we don't feel the desire for sex in other places. Sex is all in the head. Notice if you were enjoying a memory of last night's tumble or perhaps had a thought about a new sexual position.

2. What assumptions am I making about ♍Ɣ urges?

Now that you figured out a little bit more about your sexy urge, how did you judge yourself? Did you automatically push it out of your head? Did you categorise it into "good girl sex" or "bad girl sex"? Was it "vanilla" or "50 shades"? Was I comfortable with ♍Ɣ urges?

Sometimes we have intense desires to explore our urges and flesh them out a bit more. Remember that exploration can take place with our partners (depending on what your partners feels comfortable with) or in the comfort of your own fantasy world and in solo self-pleasure.

If you any questions about Love, Dating, Relationships and Sex, please get in touch with me here on:

twitter @Donzikkmayowa.

And if you wish to join my whatsapp group titled "The Singles' Lounge", kindly send a request to me @ 08131388834. I'll be happy to answer any of your questions.

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


it's another beautiful day(noon), dated 4th November, 2015.

Like I am well known to be a prolific writer and researcher, I take a look at the present generation of this corruptible world and find out something I think should share with you all, I tagged it "INDUSTRY"

The annals of history is replete with great men who conquered their world with hardwork, frugality and perseverance.

Everyone is a leader, be it an elder one, a teacher, a boss or which ever position you find yourself, you are a leader! We have the successful one and the failed leaders. We have the Lecifair, the authoritative leaders.

To be a successful leader, you must embrace hardwork. God understands our make-up he wants us to wake up! There are Millions of muscle wired within the region of our mind and body that helps us to function as able-body-entity which also enable us to carry our daily duty and activity.

In this respect, it is pertinent to stress that successful leader with inherent virtue is born with awesome novelty. I read a book (title forgotten) written by Rumi he or she (author gender not sure) said "We were born with wings, nobody should crawl through Life".

When you have the impulse to soar, please don't consent to crawl. He rules who wills. The willingness to move our virtual perspectives to Actual progression gives birth to resilience and industrious spirit which is a major derivatives of hardwork.

The Value-Chain of an effective, Concerted Leader with a drive towards hardwork lies in this network:

Novelty –»Energy -» Synergy-» Strategy-»Marketing.

Let's get this chain right with this explanation below:

We learnt from Christ whose sole aim and novelty is to save souls and reconciled the entire human race back to his Father, God Almighty. He started early by rising up early in the morning before a great while doing his prayer and devotional life, fasting and committing all is resources, time, might and energy into this vision of saving souls. Then he later synergized by involving his disciple which, later became the Apostle and representative that critically employ and implore all Adaptable Strategic Method and Medium for different folks. He then afterwards now gave us the great commission as a marketing tool for all to reach the Nations of the world before his second coming.
What a great Leader indeed is our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

In whatsoever, wherever, whenever you may be or handle, oversee, you are in a leadership position, the question is are you a great leader?

Next publication feature "THE GREAT and SMALL LEADER"

Email of corresponding author:
Telephone of corresponding author: 08131388834

Good evening....
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It's a wonder day, and here we are this evening.
During the day in the office, I received an inspiration which I think I should share with you all.

Do you know that:

ANGER is not a SIN or GOD would be a SINNER; but a useLESS Anger is a sin because it's a waste of our Psycho-Emotional resources.

Yes I said ANGER is a mental and emotional Talent that is born from our Hearts and whatever VEXes you is related to your Purpose in Life!

So don't misuse and abuse your Life's Purpose thro Vex-Abuse 😭!

One angry man flogged plenty people out of a big church because they've turned the church into a commercial trade centre. The man's name is Jesus and don't we think these big Nigerian churches need a renewed spanking today?!

Jobless members are sowing monetary seeds to a God that opposes Mammon? And church ministers applaud them for being faithful to which Master now? Bishop Mammon?

Well that may not really interest you but you have your own ANGER-TRIGGER 🔫 and I can help you discover, and convert your ANGER-TRIGGER into a Branded Solution Package!

Not like carrying horsewhip to your church headquarters in 21st century tho... 😐

Not funny!

We all look at Nigeria and many things get us freakishly angry!

I am Rauf Kazeem Isaac and my Nigerian Vex is about you. Fellow Nigerians get me angry for the following reasons:

+ Before seeing a Medical Doctor, you purchase a card.
+ You can't gain admission into university without purchasing a form.
+ To join a church, there is a new convert card.
+ To vie for public office, you buy a form!

Everything has a form of procedure but that's OK.

Now none of all these forms or cards would actually help you to DISCOVER, RECOVER & TAKEOVER your personal LIFE yet you honor them because it's the norm? 👈🏼

What's your:

Thinking Pattern?
Best Learning Mode?
Mentality Detective Purpose?
Value & Vanity Code?

And don't tell me not to get MAD @ you for not knowing all these things because without KNOWING & CONVERTING them into SOLUTION PACKAGES, you remain the number one enemy of your own progress my dear.

May God help you to see this and take real action today! Amen.

For this reason, attend an inspiring, educative, informative, and live changing seminar with me and some other guest speakers LIVE either in:

+ Ghana(Accra) - 11/7/2015
+ Nigeria (Abuja) - 5/12/2015
+ Nigeria (Lagos) - 12/12/2015

with over 2000 participants. You can be a participants with just N1000. Get registered today

Make a deposit to:
Bank: Diamond Bank
Acct Name: Rauf Kazeem Isaac
Acct No: 0047491101

After the deposit, send your name, location to be attended and teller no to 08033771836

This seminar is powered by Skyline Scholars and Goldmark Consult

Bbm: 33524D0E

Whatsapp: 08131388834

Share this if your care and want to save a soul.
Goodevening to you all...
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Spatial Intelligence and Spiritual Imagination

It's a sunny noon.....
While in the office busy with the day normal routine, I felt the inner man of me having some thoughts, here I put it into writing and I believe this piece will bless your soul.

I called it

'Spatial Intelligence and Spiritual Imagination'.

"The children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light" (Luke 16:8), in that they use their natural talents and gifts to advance the kingdom of darkness while we are only busy singing and shouting.

In ancient Israel during the era of King Saul, the bible records that "Now there was no blacksmith to be found throughout all the land of Israel, for the Philistines said, "Lest the Hebrew make swords or spears." But all the Israelites would go down to the Philistines to sharpen each man's plowshare hare, his mattock, his axe, and his sickle; and the charge for a sharpening was a pim for the plowshares, the mattocks, the forks, and the axes, and to set the points of the goads.

So it came about, on the day of battle, that there was neither sword nor spear found in the hand of any of the people who were with Saul and Jonathan. But they were found with Saul and Jonathan his son" (1 Samuel 13 vs. 19-22, NKJV).

While the children of God were busy playing church, the "Philistines" through the power of imagination and creativity were moving into strategic places in society so that it doesn't matter how loud they shout and even prayed; at the end, they would have to come to them to sharpen their plowshares, axes, etc. In other words, the Philistines would still run their lives, communities, and nations.

This generation is experiencing the exact re-occurrence of the quandary the ancient Israelites found themselves in. The very fabric of our society is seriously transmuting into the systems of the kingdom of darkness, and we citizens of the kingdom of Heaven seem to ignore our social responsibilities and divine assignment thereby relinquishing the world into the hands of the power of darkness.

The Church (citizens of the kingdom of God) had great dominion and influence in every facet of society in the 19th and 20th centuries because they owned and operated their own systems (schools, hospitals, financial institution, etc.). Hence, governments and politicians valued their presence in society and gave them a vital voice in the affairs and direction of the nations. Bear in mind that he who can see and experience the future through the power of imagination before it arrives, steers the course of the world thereby controlling the systems of society and consequently influencing the destiny of the people and nations.

Multinational organizations like BMW, Mercedes, Microsoft, Sony, Apple, Ford, etc., pay people billions of dollars just to capture the future 20 to 50 years ahead through the power of their imagination. No wonder these companies run our societies and its affairs today and also command the attention and respect of governments all over the world.

Leading in any sphere of civilisation and taking dominion in the world requires stepping into the future long before any other person or organization gets there.

- Spatial Intelligence is the cognitive studio where visions and dreams are rehearsed

- It's also a very powerful tool used to capture visions and dreams into the present.

- Without spatial intelligence vision cannot be visualised (seen in your mind's eye).

- While spatial intelligence produces Imagination, it is also the mental component that brings colour and zest to your vision.

- "I am imagination. I can see what the eyes cannot see. I can hear what the ears cannot hear. I can feel what the heart cannot feel."

Challenge: what place is your imagination and spatial intelligence.
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This day, 4th of November, 2015 was liKe a day I have one of the best sleeps ever... I was glued to my bed, as in, I felt like, I shouldn't go to work but all of a student I stood up, get to the toilet and took my bath... Do you know why?

I was inspired yesterday by some of my students saying

"Mr. Rauf you are the best teacher have ever seen, you teach, I understand, please, when is your leave expiring so that you can take over your subjects back"

I replied... "Ah!!!! The person taking you now, he's my Boss in those subjects (Maths, Physics and F/maths) I teach o"

After leaving the office, I sat down and here is what runs through my mind...

As I summarized the Virtues and Values inherent in us to be true and great hero of our time if we must stunned the world and make indelibly marks that will be imprinted in the sand of times, we must not forget that this last point cannot be under-emphasized.
Inspiration is the finality of all. The source of inspiration determines the flow. To be glowing, we have to maintain the flow of high-level spiritual thoughts that is impeccable and immaculate. A more holy life void of corrupting influences and the nature of the fallen man, will attract pure thought that will distinguish such leader to be in great esteem. To the pure all things are pure while to the defiled all things are defiled.
Inspiration is the melting point and meeting point of the human spirit with the divine. Inspiration brings about quality control from higher realm to the human realm. One major contributing factor that initiates this vital virtue is Prayer. Deep meditation and incessant devotional life characterize a strongly-inspired life as this touches the inner sanctum of the human spirit to bring about what is possible in the life of the people being led and driven. Our covenant relationship with God makes our inspirational life a fast-moving spiritual electron charged that would sporadically emits conflagration, inferno, revival of whatever Vision, Values, Virtues and Voice we are passing around while on pilgrimage to the Holy city heaven.

Are you inspired and do you inspire?
Good morning my fellow Nigerians.....
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Ahummmm...... Goodevening my fellow Nigerians, today am featuring another quantifiable talk of what I encounter today after my school(name with held) examination with a course mate(name with held) of mine

He asked me... Isaac,

"How can I become stinkingly Rich, despite my present lack of financial support?"

I was found speechless for more than a minutes and he was like didn't I hear what he said, all of a sudden, I responded... Read what I told him...

"You are rich & sincerely, you're more than rich.

You are Riches!

Everything that is alive is a living resource. On earth, every human being is a re-Source of life.

You are Life's Re-Source because God is the Source of Life & You are the Re-Source of God's Life.

Meaning; God is Creating Life while you're re-Creating that Life of God on earth!

God is the Richest Riches, Infinite & Unlimited while YOU are God's Unlimited Riches on earth!

You are the Commonwealth of Life!

You're all the riches that we need to en-rich the earth because without You humans, earth would be ruled by wild beasts and wouldn't that be a bloody jungle?

You're the richest riches on earth because you're the Manager of earth, your job is to keep the earth together as God's Riches re-Creative Partner on earth!

Ha! You're the feet of God on earth, yes you.

And now you seek for riches from without because you're already poor from within or so you believe???

I told him...... #Meditate!

A ritual killer kidnaps a poverty stricken & hungry person for ritual, yet the poor fellow's blood & body-part soon make the ritualist to become stinkingly rich???


#Because you're able to become anything if you truly believe.

Right now as you read, you're a Possibility that can become any thing including Money!

So, in the ritual killer's belief, certain words recited in FAITH can turn the poorest man into a Big Bag of Money? Hmmm... Yes!

Thinking? The ritualist, in his evil mind, has more faith in his victim's ability to become riches than the victim has in himself. #pathetic

Now, listen 👂� me:

If you don't harness your internal revenues & riches by yourself now, then You don't deserve any external riches because you're a prodigal waster who won't invest him/herself into profitable ventures.

You are Riches & if you doubt yourself, come to me; i would turn your internal capital into infinite riches for you, for the society & for global humanity at large!


Ask me through

Bbm: 33524D0E

Whatsapp: 08131388834

Share this one; thank you.
Don Zikk Cares.....
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Don't say R.K Isaac has come with his daily epistle, but I say the truth!
I can't just stop saying my mind always after facing the day hurdles.
The Bible says,

"And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free"

"And if the Son of man shall set you free, ye shall be free indeed!"

But you can't say the Truth and still be having issues with fulfillment in life!

No! Truth clears our conscience, purified our heart and justifies our souls.

Do you know why?

Because Truth is a nature, not just a sincere speech.

Please take the statement with seriousness, I mean take it and keep it on your left palm.

"Truth is the original nature and character of LOVE(God) hence, the very amount of Truth in you and I is the same amount of God we are at that moment!"


Whenever we betray Truth, we betray our own nature and insult our heavenly Father/Source too!

Imagine your phone making calls without your permission!? Then it's no longer serving you but serving itself.

So also, we must be true to who we are by nature!

Every time I lie, I'm just being a cheap idiot and why do I even do that nonsense against myself? It must be a curse!

Yes it's a curse to betray oneself and Judas was so cursed, that he sold his own original self (Jesus) for money.


Jesus is our real character as the Truth of God or the True God!

What Adam was to the old humanity; Jesus is to the New Humanity!

You and I are the True God (Jesus) on earth but we betrayed our God-Self as a Devil (Adam) on earth and so we fell from our God-Glory. Like Judas, humanity crashed headlong (into a lower self-identity) until all our bowels (secrets) became exposed.

Now the way upward is to resurrect from being Adam and rise to being Jesus!

I pray that God/Love will expose me today as Jesus/Truth, lest I continue exposing myself, a Judas!

If you like say the prayer to your self as well
🙏 Amen

#Goodevening my fellow earth born!
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Please take time to read.....
Edited by R.K Isaac

Guidance and Counseling (G & C) is the process of helping individuals discover and develop their educational, vocational, and psychological potentialities and thereby to achieve an optimal level of personal happiness and social usefulness. The concept of counseling is essentially democratic in that the assumptions underlying its theory and practice are, first, that each individual has the right to shape his own destiny and, second, that the relatively mature and experienced members of the community are responsible for ensuring that each person's choice shall serve both his own interests and those of society. It is implicit in the philosophy of counseling that these objectives are complementary rather than conflicting. The function of those who guide children and young people is not to effect a compromise between the requirements of individuals on the one hand and the demands of the community on the other. It is rather to orient the individual toward those opportunities afforded by his environment that can best guarantee the fulfillment of his personal needs and aspirations.

Guidance, in this sense, is a pervasive activity in which many persons and organizations take part. It is afforded to individuals by their parents, relatives, and friends and by the community at large through various educational, industrial, social, religious, and political agencies and, particularly, through the press and broadcasting services. A part of such guidance may be the giving of information that enables others to increase the scope of their exploratory behaviour. The guidance counselor, for example, may provide information about a person's own abilities and interests as determined by psychological tests or about educational opportunities and the requirements of various occupations. The competent counselor does not attempt to solve people's problems for them, however; the counselor tries instead to clarify the person's own thinking.

Professional counselors and counseling psychologists are commonly found in institutional settings such as high schools and colleges, private industry, community agencies, prisons, and the military, as well as in private practice. They are often called on to help individuals deal with the grief of unexpected tragedies.
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There is something about relationship, putting aside Will of God, before Will of God can be, there must be mutual affecting between both party except you want to deceive ourselves, and before this mutual affecting can take place, the relationship must be built. Building relationships is essential for having a fulfilling life, but – as we all know – it's not without its problems. Even close friendships could have problems every now and then. That's why it's important to learn about relationship problems and how to overcome them. While there are many relationship problems that could happen, I believe they boil down to just two.

These are the basic problems that cause other problems in relationships. Here they are:

1. Misunderstanding
Misunderstanding is perhaps the most common problem in relationships. Sometimes your friends misinterpret what you do or say. Or it's you who misinterpret them. Depending on the maturity of the people involved, such misunderstanding could be solved quickly or it could open the way to more serious problems.

Misunderstanding is caused either by lack of quality or quantity in communication. You could spend a lot of time to communicate with your friends (for example, with your roommate), but if the quality of the communication is low then there is a good chance that misunderstanding will happen.

The problem could also happen because you and your friend don't communicate often enough. If both parties are busy, they may not have the chance to communicate what they need or want which may eventually lead to misunderstanding.

2. Selfishness
Another common problem in relationships is selfishness. Perhaps both parties understand what the other party needs, but one or both of them are not willing to give it. They prefer to just keep it for themselves. In this case, the problem is lack of action instead of lack of understanding.

For example, it takes time to build relationships but we may be too busy to provide time for others. While we can't generalize the case, being busy could be a form of selfishness. Just wanting to be understood without trying to understand is also a form of selfishness.

These two basic problems cause many other relationship problems. Being judgmental, for instance, is often caused by selfishness. We want others to meet our expectations and we blame them when they don't.

Anger could be caused my misunderstanding. You may think that your friend does something bad to you while she actually doesn't intent to. Perhaps she does you good but you misinterpret it. Misunderstanding causes us to misinterpret positive as negative.

These two relationship problems may seem simple, but solving them requires serious effort. It may take years or even lifetime to learn how to solve them. But being aware of them is a good first step because we can't win a war if we don't even know the enemy.
Concerning the relationship leading to marriage when you are experiencing the above factors, it's not 100% sure. Remember, the blessing of the Lord adds no sorrow. What if paraventure, u marry and the home is not a happy place, can you say why? Or what if at the end, he or she commits adultery, can you say why?

In a future article, I will discuss ways to solve these problems.
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Today, I'll say was one of most busiest day ever for me! Infact, I had my breakfast, I mean breakfast around 2pm and now, just about to take the dinner without lunch with a formula 101. Over the days now, I have been receiving mails and messages like:
+ Don, I don't understand my relationship any longer,
+ Relationship Life Counselor, help me, am confuse about choosing the right person
+ Zikk, my BF doesn't know more than sex, help me and all sort... Infact, after several thoughts, I just came up with a piece prepared today despite the busyness of my business, which I tagged:


Romantic Manipulation is such an act or a behavior in which one person tries to change the mind, mood of another person without confronting or making the victim know or be aware of them directly.

At this juncture, a question beeps my mind, which is, 'Who is a Romantic Manipulator?'

I can say, Romantic Manipulators are people who use deception, trickery and threats or trade by barter to get what they want, from people who are not willing to give in to them.

It's very easy to know how to escape being manipulated in a relationship. But it's extremely hard to bring yourself to make the change. It all starts with acceptance. You need to realize that you're a victim, and you need to realize that you need to change forever because you don't stand to gain anything by being used by everyone around you.

Each time you accept to do something when your mind silently screams 'no', you're giving another person an opportunity to use you and manipulate you. And over the years, you'd only lose your self esteem and feel smaller and weaker each time you find yourself getting used and manipulated.

If you truly want to stop being manipulated in your relationship, you need to learn to take a stand and believe you're worthy of your partner.

Use these 14 ways to change for the better and stop getting manipulated by your lover:

1 You're the victim.
Realize that you are a victim. Use the frustrations, the anger and the resentment you feel each time you feel manipulated and try to convince yourself to act on your partner's behavior. Tell yourself that you deserve a better life that's full of happiness and not deceit and trickery. Believe in the strength you have, and realize that you do have the power to say 'no' if you choose to.

2 Communicate with your partner.
Talk to your partner and explain how you feel each time you feel manipulated in the relationship. Remember, sometimes your partner may not realize themselves that they're manipulating you to get what they want. Confronting them will give you the courage to decline them *because you've explained your need to decline their requests when you feel manipulated*.

3 Recognize their emotional blackmails.
Keep an eye on the way your partner tries to manipulate you. Do they try bullying you, intimidating you, or do they say something that makes you feel weak and want to give in? Try to pinpoint the signs that make you feel vulnerable and used in the relationship.

4 Take a stand. You may not be ready to say 'no' just yet. But you could at least take a stand when you don't feel like doing something, right? If your partner asks you for something you don't wish to do, explain yourself calmly and tell them why you don't wish to do it. You may feel really awkward the first few times, but your confidence will grow and you'll regain your strength each time you say 'no'.

5 Principle your life.
Sit down by yourself and ask yourself what you're willing to accept and where you want to draw the line. By setting boundaries and having clear principles in life and knowing when to stop doing favors for someone, it'll help you recreate a whole new 'you' who's more confident and clear about what's right and what's wrong.

6 Learn to be assertive.
Learn to say 'no', read self help books that can motivate you and help you take a stand. Remind yourself that you're an adult and no one has the right to manipulate you or bully you into doing something you don't want to do.

7 Get your independence.
Most lovers who get bullied in a relationship allow it to happen only because they believe they are dependent on their partner. So learn to be independent in all ways *social, emotional and financial* so you can have the strength to stand on your own feet again and reclaim your life.

8 Respect and love yourself.
If you don't love yourself and believe you're awesome, there's no way you can ever stand up for yourself. You need to realize that you're not a pushover. Stop giving people the opportunity to use you by being firm and following your principles.

9 Don't give up.
It's very hard to make such a big change in your life, but it's not impossible. Don't give up and don't stop hoping for a better life. You're the only person who can stop you from a better life. So even if you fail and fall prey to emotional manipulation now and then, don't give up. Just try harder the next time around.

10 Build a support system.
If you're being manipulated by your lover, build a small support system with your family or your close friends. Meet them often, stay busy in your own life, and when you have a hard time confronting the manipulation, use the help of your support system.

11 Get stronger.
Each time you find the strength to say 'no' to someone, be it a salesperson, a coworker, or even your partner, take a moment to experience the high and control over your life you feel right then. And use this strength to feel stronger and more in control of your own life.

12 Don't let it get to you.
Don't let your partner's bitter remarks, their expectations and the mean things they say get to you. Doubting yourself is the easiest way to lose control of your own life. Turn a deaf ear to anything that you perceive as negativity, and just believe in yourself.

13 Don't fall prey.
Don't fall prey to their pleas, false excuses or lavish gifts. When a manipulator feels like you're slipping out of control, they may try really hard to please you or win your affection back, just before they ask you for something. But this is when you need to avoid falling into their trap. As convincing as they may seem, be strong and don't give in to their demands, even if you feel obligated because they're being so nice to you.

14 Don't let them beat around the bush.
Most manipulators never get straight to the point. They always talk about all the things they've done for you, or they promise you something special, and just when you seem really happy, they try to get something out of you. Remember, they want to put you in an awkward spot so they can trick you into doing something. Don't let that happen. If you sense a request coming, ask them to be direct and tell you what they want.

15 Walk away.
Living with a manipulative partner is like walking on a minefield. You can't relax, you can't just love them for who they are, and you'll always have to be on guard. And that's not really the recipe of a happy relationship, is it? If you can't feel carefree and happy in your lover's arms, is it worth staying in the relationship? If your partner doesn't try to change even after
you've given them enough chances, walk away for good. Chances are, their manipulative behavior is too deeply ingrained in their mind to ever change. And you're better off leaving the relationship, than letting this person break your spine and your morale, which would only lead to you getting used and manipulated by everyone else in your life.

Thanks for reading!!!!!!

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BBm: 33524D0E

Tel: 08033771836

Whatsapp: 08131388834


It's my pleasure you have read.
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Author: Rauf Kazeem Isaac
Book: Rhetoric Rhapsody
Page: 36 - 39

A woman's body is an incredibly sensuous creation. The slightest kiss on the right spot can send shivers down her spine, give her chills or goosebumps, or make her body shake with delight. Some women can even achieve orgasm from being kissed in the right place, even with no contact with her genitals! The right touch for kissing is easier said than done. Bad kissing can completely kill the mood, or worse.

Kiss too hard on her neck and you'll leave an embarrassing mark, suck too hard on her breast and you could hurt her. If your kiss is too light, you might tickle her. And of course, if you simply aren't making her feel good, you will bore her, and she will be turned off.

With me, I have 11 perfect hot spots to kiss a woman and arouse her

The perfect kiss in the perfect place is not easy. Really, there's no substitute for practice and experience, but if you follow this guide, you'll be well on your way.

Classic kissing
Of course, when most people think of kissing, what immediately comes to mind is making out. There's a good reason for this – a long, deep, sensuous kiss is hot! It's how almost any sexual encounter begins.

1 Lips. Smooching, French kissing, tongue action, sucking face, first base – no matter what you want to call it, kissing on the lips is essential. Being a great kisser can mean the difference between only getting a kiss, and getting much more.
A woman's skin is quite sensitive, and this is especially true around the lips. Keep a clean shave, or condition your beard or mustache so it doesn't irritate her skin. Few things ruin a kiss faster for a woman than feeling sandpaper rubbed on her face.
Note – Be giving. Guys love kissing breasts, and women love having them kissed. Even a selfish lover will do it. But a giving lover will kiss a woman anywhere, as long as she gets pleasure from it. A great lover is unselfish and will delay his own pleasure for hers. A guy might not get much out of kissing her in all of these places, at least not immediately, but it definitely pays to be giving.

2 Neck. The skin on the sides of the neck is some of the most sensitive on the body. Give it slow, sensual kisses with minimal suction. Drag the smooth, wet skin of your inner lips slowly over her skin and you'll already start to hear her moan softly. Don't be afraid to let your tongue play too, but don't slobber her. After the kiss, her skin should be dry within a minute.
Neck kisses can go from just below her earlobe, down to just over her collarbone. Don't kiss the front of her neck, as even slight contact can push on her windpipe. Don't leave a "hickey" or any bruising marks.

3 Collarbone. This is not as sensitive, but as you kiss her neck, you're already right in the neighborhood. This is the area where her neck meets her chest and shoulder. Kiss just above the bone, and down from the base of the neck onto her shoulder. Soft kisses with minimal suction are best here.

4 Ears. Ears are often neglected, but they're a great spot for kissing. Gently suck on her earlobe and run your tongue behind her ear. This can be an especially good place to kiss during se-x. Be careful though, loud breathing or kissing noises directly into the ear are not se-xy at all.
Note – The obvious. This guide wouldn't be complete without mentioning the obvious. They are probably the most-kissed body part after the lips, so without further ado…

Front to back
If you're sitting behind her or she's lying down on her stomach, there are still great places to kiss her.

6 Nape of the neck. With the spine so near the skin's surface, the nape is very temperature sensitive. Kiss her nape lightly, leaving it just a little bit wet. Then gently breathe warm air from your nose on it. Kiss it some more, then lightly blow cool air on the spot. You'll send shivers down her spine.

7 Back. A woman's back is like sculpted artwork and should not be neglected. Kiss downward from her nape as lightly as you can. Try to let your lips graze the tiny hairs along her spine, without actually touching her skin. Hold her tight as this will cause her body to break out in goosebumps.

Her middle
The area below a woman's b00bs and above her waist is often treated as a no-man's-land. This need not be the case, the skin here, if kissed right can drive her as crazy as kissing her neck.

8 Ribs and sides. Light kissing here can feel great for many women. Work your way up by dragging your tongue over her skin, or down with the wet, inner part of your upper lip. Woman who aren't at all ticklish won't always get anything from this, and women who are very ticklish might not be able to take it. For most women though, it will feel great.

9 Waist. Just inside her hipbones along her waist is a hotspot with great potential for pleasure. Kissing and sucking here stimulates some of the glands running to her genitals. It's a great teaser for what lies ahead.

Below the belt
As you kiss further down her body, tell her how sexy she is. Keep her comfortable. If she feels self-conscious, she won't feel pleasure.

10 Inner thighs. This is one of the se-xiest areas on a woman's body. It's also one of the most sensitive. Just running your fingers lightly over it, even through jeans can excite her. Imagine what kissing can do. Start around mid-thigh with smaller, dry kisses. Work your way up letting the kisses get wetter and linger longer. When you're almost to the top of the leg, suck with medium pressure and wetness and drive her wild.




Categories: Arts & Lifestyle
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Author: Rauf Kazeem Isaac
Book: Talent vs Gift
Page: 1 - 3

According to the dictionary, a talent is a natural endowment of a person. It is an ability or natural capacity that we have, which may range from our creativity to our athletic abilities. We all have them, but we are not always so good at identifying what they are. Sometimes they can be right in front of us, and we miss them.

If you can determine what your talents are, you can tap into an amazing resource that can help you in every aspect of your life, including your business. Whether you are searching for the perfect type of business to open or you want to find ways to grow the one you have, you may find the answer in your personal talents.
Let's quickly look at the ways to discover our talent.
Ask 10 people what their talents are and you are bound to get a variety of responses, many of which will include that they simply don't know. How can that be, you ask? Because people are often too close to what is going on for them to notice their natural abilities. So these gems go unnoticed and untapped, for years!
Finding your talent is actually much easier than you may realize.

Here are 5 simple ways to find your hidden talents:
1. Listen to others. 
Those around you usually know what your talents are, even when you don't. If you think about it, people have likely been telling you that you are good at something for a long time. You just weren't listening. Now is the time to listen.
2. Determine what is easy. 
Are there things that you find really easy or obvious to do, while others may struggle or muddle their way through? If you have things that you find super easy, you believe that they should be just as easy, or obvious, for others, but that's not how it plays out. In this scenario, they struggle while you stand there feeling like it was a cake walk!
3. What you enjoy most. 
Your talents may be demonstrating itself in other ways. Are there magazine topics that you just can't get enough of? Are there shows you love? Think about what it is that you love to do most when you have free time. If you are drawn toward it, it is a natural talent.
4. Shut up already. 
Is there a specific subject that you love to talk about, often to the point that your friends want to shoot you? Consider the subject, perhaps it may be one of your hidden talents or is connected to one.
5. Just ask. 
Ask everyone you know that will give you an honest assessment about what they think your talents are. Ask them to ignore your bad habits and have them share the one or two things that they think you are hands down most talented at. Ask a lot of people who know you, but always ask them one-on-one. Compile the results and there is your hidden talent.
Key Components
When you know what your talents are, you feel more in tune with your life. You can also use those talents to excel in the business world. Whether you leverage those talents in your product or service, or you use them to network and make quality connections, they are important to know. When you capitalize on your talents, it no longer feels like work, it just feels like living. And anything that makes business and life more enjoyable is bound to be a good thing.

After carrying out the above 5 points, mail me @ so that I can carry out a talent discovering assessment for you. 

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Rauf Kazeem Isaac(Don Zikk) would have been a dead man but the God whom he serves whose eyes neither slumber or sleep kept him.

Today, 17th November 2015, I finished my exam of today @ 9:15am and decided to watch a football match in Lagos Local Tournament tagged "Tikitaka Tournament" played @ Digital Building Institute (DBI), Oshodi, after watching 3 different matches of 6 teams, I decided to go see my friends whose paper was slated for 11 to check whether they are through @ 2:15pm, fortunately they were through, so we took off to go to our respective homes, to cut the long story short, we got to the bus stop and took different vehicles heading to various destinations.
I highlighted @ Ketu and took a bus heading to my place (Magboro), on our way, on the long bridge along Lagos/Ibadan Expressway, a trailer behind lost control and smashed the side I was sitting but at this time I was tired and decided to have a nap, it had happened before I woke up, all the co-passengers on board were like "you didn't care and you were asleep, what if you had been crushed" I said "my God whom I serve never sleep nor slumber, his eyes is over me"

What's my point here, my dearly beloved?

Take a look @ this:
Let qoute a verse from the Bible;

"Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. " (Luke 17:33).

If there is one theme that you will see repeated over and over again in many of my articles is the extreme importance that each and every person can never do without RELATIONSHIP not even God.

For this reason, whosoever I meet, I always in one way or the other encourage them to turn their entire lives over to God the Father for Him to fully handle.

But if you have now just made Jesus your Savior. However, there is now one more big thing you must do. You must now make Jesus the Lord over your life. Jesus must now become both your Lord and Savior, not just your Savior.

You must now make the second biggest decision that you will ever make in this life.

The first biggest decision is whether or not you will accept Jesus as your personal Savior through His sacrificial death on the cross.
Now that you have done that, you have become truly saved and born again.

However, you are now faced with the second biggest decision that you will ever make in this life. And that decision is – who is going to run the rest of your life from here on in – you or God?

The Bible makes it very clear as to who should be guiding your steps in this life – and that Person is God the Father through the Holy Spirit!
This decision as to who will be running your life from here on in will determine the course your life will now take. If you decide to run your own life and call all of your own shots, then your life is going to take a completely different course as versus the one it would take if you would turn your entire life over to God the Father for Him to fully handle.

The Bible specifically tells us that if we choose to follow our own way and path in this life – then that path will eventually lead to death. In other words, you will have forever wasted your one and only opportunity to find out exactly what you were created for, and what your true divine destiny was going to be in the Lord.
The Bible makes it very clear that good works will not get us into heaven.

We can only be saved by grace through our faith in Jesus Christ and His sacrificial death on the cross. However, once we are saved, God the Father expects us to do something with what time we still have left down here on this earth. He now wants all of us to come and "work" for Him.

The Bible tells us that God will be "rewarding" us for the good works that we will do for Him while living down here on this earth. Again, these good works cannot get us saved, but they can get us the bigger and better rewards once we enter into heaven.

Once you are willing to completely surrender your entire life over to the God the Father for Him to fully handle, then what will happen next is that God will be setting you up to follow the specific path that He will want you to follow in Him – and in that path will be your call, your purpose, your duties, and the tasks that you will now be seeking to accomplish for Him. God now has a set plan and a set future for your life.

The Bible also states that "where there is no vision," the people will perish.

What I believe this verse is trying to tell us is that unless you know what your purpose is in this life, what you created for, and what it is you should be striving after – then you will aimlessly wander throughout your entire life never accomplishing anything of any real worth, and never fulfilling the divine destiny to which God has called you.

At this juncture, I want to say if you decide to take this article person, then go to hell!

Your life will "perish" right before your very eyes because you had never sought to do God's perfect will for your life. You thus will have forever lost and wasted the one and only chance you had to do something of any consequence in this life with what little time you had to do it in.
Here are 5 very good verses showing us that we all have a holy calling from the Lord, and that our days have been "determined and fashioned" to do something specific for the Lord.

+ "Where there is no vision, the people perish." (Proverbs 29:18)

+ "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11)

+ "Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them." (Psalm 139:16)

+ Since his days are determined, the number of his months is with You; You have appointed his limits, so that he cannot pass." (Job 14:5)

+ "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)

+ For many are called, but few are chosen]." (Matthew 22:14)

Notice the verse from Psalm 139:16 is literally telling us that God knows exactly what He wants to do with our lives before we have even been formed in our mother's womb! It says that before we have even been born, God already has our days "fashioned" out for us. The next verse from Job 14:5 says that all of our days are "determined" by the Lord.

These two powerful words – "determined and fashioned" – are both telling us that God has our entire lives perfectly planned out for us if we are willing to enter into His perfect will for our life.

But the last verse, where it is stating that many are called but few are chosen, is sadly telling us that most people will never enter into God's perfect will for their lives.
I believe this verse is not talking about our salvation, but about our calls in God.
I believe this verse is showing us that God is  "calling" many to come and work for Him, but most are turning Him down for various reasons. Most people would rather control their own destinies rather than turn the reigns of their life over to God the Father for Him to fully handle.
As a result, they will never find what their true divine destinies would have been in the Lord in this lifetime.
God Will Guide Your Steps in This Life
After coming into this full surrender with the Lord where He is now in full control of your life – two things will now start to occur. God will immediately place you on the path that He will want you to follow in Him. And on that path will be your call or calls, your jobs, and exactly what He will want you to do for Him for the rest of your earthly life.

My beloved, I'll continue tomorrow and if I forget, remind me...

Good evening and remained blessed...
Don Zikk cares....
The second thing that will occur is that God will then start to guide your steps so that you can get to where you need to go to so you can fully accomplish everything that He will want you to accomplish for Him.
If God is going to call you to be a great musician, a great Bible teacher, a great evangelist, a great doctor, or a great policeman – then He is also going to have to guide your steps so that you can make it to the tops of these types of mountains.
These calls will not fruit out overnight. You will have to work and sweat to make it into these types of calls or whatever it is God is calling you to do for Him. This is where the real adventure of life is really at – in the climbing to the tops of these types of mountains.
So not only do you get God's best for your life as to what your divine destiny is going to be in Him – but you will also be getting God's guidance on a daily basis so that you can reach these kinds of specific goals.
If God is going to call you to be a great evangelist, but does not guide your steps on a daily basis on how to get there, then you will never make it on your own. You can only get to the top of your personal mountain in your call with God only if God is anointing you and leading you to be able to climb that mountain.
Otherwise you will never make it on your own. Jesus specifically says that without Him we can do absolutely nothing.
Many people have decided, without consulting God first, what mountains and goals they should be striving after in this life.
They then might make it halfway up their mountain, but then all of a sudden it happens – everything breaks down and they fall completely back down to the bottom of the mountain, literally losing everything they had built up in climbing halfway up that mountain.
The Bible says that unless God builds the "house" of our lives – we will labor in vain trying to do it all on our own. There are many Christians who are now living defeated and broken lives as a result of broken dreams – all because they were trying to do it all on their own without any of God's help, guidance, or power to get them there.
Again, study these next set of verses very, very carefully. These are major, foundational verses in which to ground on in your walk with the Lord. The first verse will specifically tell you that it is the job of the Holy Spirit Himself to guide your steps in this life.
The Bible tells us that the steps of a good man are "ordered" by the Lord, and that it is not in man to try and direct his own steps in this life. And that if he does try to direct his own steps in this life, that its way will eventually lead to death!
The Bible says that the road God will now place us on is a "straight" and narrow road. There is no turning back once you enter in on the path of God's perfect will for your life.
In the second last verse, it specifically tells us that if we seek to go after our own way in this life, that we are looked upon by God as sheep that have gone astray.
All of these verses are extremely powerful. Notice the specific words that I will now number and bold for you, once again to hammer home the point that it is God's job to fully guide your steps in this life.
Led by the Spirit of God
The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord
It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps
A way which seems right to a man … its end is the way of death
A man's steps are of the Lord
The Lord directs his steps
Direct my steps by Your Word
Be followers of God as dear children
My sheep hear My voice … and they follow Me
He shall direct your paths
He leads me by still waters
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
Leads you by the way you should go
Lead me in your truth
I will guide you with My eye
Lead me in a smooth path
The Lord will guide you continually
He will be our guide even to death
Led them by day … to give them light on the road which they should travel
When you read all of these key phrases one after the other, there is no question that the only way for each and every Christian to live this earthly life is under a full and complete surrender with God the Father – with God leading your life every step of the way on a daily basis through the Holy Spirit. There is no other way in which to live this life. I do not think God the Father could have made it any more clearer than by the way that He has worded all of the above Scripture verses.
The Consequences of Not Fully Following God
One of the most dramatic examples of one group of people who followed God "fully" and another group who did not were the Israelites who were tested by God the Father in the desert after being rescued from the Egyptians in the story of Moses.
Near the beginning of the 40 year wilderness experience, they were all getting ready to go into the Promised Land to reap their big reward in God.
However, before they went in, they sent in twelve spies to see what their enemies looked like and what they would encounter once they crossed over to possess the land from some of these evil people. When the spies came back, ten of them came back with a bad report. They said the enemies were too big and that their kingdoms were too well fortified.
Mind you, the Israelites had just seen one of the greatest displays of God's power that the world has ever seen when He threw 10 whopper plagues at the Pharaoh to set them free.
Yet, just as they were getting ready to cross over into their Promised Land, they started questioning and doubting that God could take these enemies out for them, even though God had just got done delivering them from an entire Egyptian nation several years earlier!
When God sees their lack of faith and belief in Him that He could conquer these lands for them, He threw up His hands and said that was going to be it.
He pronounced a severe judgment on them, telling them that all of the men 20 years of age and older would not enter into the Promised Land due to their lack of faith and belief in Him to be able to accomplish this mission for them, and because they had not "wholly followed God."
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Niyi Daniel wrote:
Oh...... It's a night of insult..... Please ponder on it....
In the afternoon I posted an article titled Wedding Dress vs Heaven Dress, but it's a pity many didn't read it, as a result of this, I thought of it to know why? That brings about this topic titled:


+ Mediocrity is an enemy of creativity, traditions is an enemy of innovations.

+Shabby looks is not spirituality, dressing well is a product of quality mentality.

+We are not poor because we are black, we are poor because we are blind to God's opportunities we fail to maximize.

Have you been to Jesus?
Good evening beloved souls....
I remain Rauf Kazeem Isaac (esq)
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


Good evening readers,
If I talk now, they will say, Don Zikk has come again, I have to just write because my pen never faints and my brain never dull, I couldn't just imagine, so many people even beyond africa that read my afternoon post 'cos it was publish on so many websites, they begin to ask me immediately I publish my afternoon post title "MY TODAY'S LESSON IN LIFE" that who were the gossippers, I was like, hope have not offended anybody, and I want to employ you that you shouldn't take that afternoon article personal...

Infact, some went to the extent of still abusing me, some misinterpreted my article 'cos they lack understanding, some don't even know what I meant, while some were asking and saying, Don, it's every blessed day you say one or two things, but new, I do reply, it's God's given talent, but tonight I won't be publishing the article titled THE CHARACTERISTICS OF A PROBLEM SOLVER rather I want to look at something a bit different but similar to the afternoon post which I titled INORDINATE DESIRE AND AFFECTION.

Let's quickly look at this points:

+ Though everyone of us has one or more desires wanting to fulfil but if it is not regulated and controlled by God it is an inordinate desire.

+ The desire that is in the will of God for us is the desire that is good for us to make our lives fruitful.

+ Whenever wrong or inordinate desire crosses our minds, the best tool to confront and conquer it is the word of God.

+ The mind is the source of every desire but it requires consistent and constant renewing in the word of God to produce a productive and good desires.

+ When the devil attack the mind of a man, it affect his desires and when the desires is affected, the result is highly devastating.

+ An uncontrolled or inordinate desire is a dangerous one, let's depend on the Holy Spirit for its regulation.

As so many people were asking, I mean seriously asking, who were the gossippers, let us know, I was like, "I will talk to you later, Never mind, and all sort" all of a sudden, something came to my mind...

Guess what?

"The Lord's Supper Night"

When Jesus said, some among you will betray me, and suddent, the disciples begin to ask, "is it me" but Jesus replied... Please, to those who ask the questions, to know who the gossippers are, kindly go and read Matthew 26: 1 - 75, that passage will answer your questions.


If your aspirations are not God's will? It's dangerous, although God will allow permissive will but the nemesis is devastating, so beware!

The point here tonight is, whatever your aspiration is, be it VC, Teacher, Lecturer, Doctor, Lawyer, if it is not God's driven, desist, pray to him for his leading, and I pray, he'll direct your steps.

God bless you and Good evening once again...

I remain Rauf Kazeem Isaac
(C) November 2015
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


Today is another episode of a fascinating topic, I titled:


Hmmm. This is a very serious matter.
I made friends with a particular lady during my NCE. She was not married, but as a social and flexible guy, I initiated a conversation with her...she tried convincing me that it is SENSIBLE to be pregnant before wedding IF that is what one's fiance and family insists upon

To this extent I will like to say that there are many things involved before a family will run such a tradition/norm.

1. Unpalatable Past experiences.
Different sad stories abound about many ladies who had lived an ungodly life, done series of abortion and suffered complications which has affected their vital organs e.g Uterus. So to be on a safer side; many people believe it is reasonable to let the lady be pregnant BEFORE WEDDING.

2. Unsaved household.
Like I always say, a family that ask you to be PREGNANT BEFORE WEDDING is not a HOUSEHOLD OF GOD. Yes, the family is not a CHRISTIAN FAMILY! I say that with no apology. The fact that they all go to church doesn't make them BORN AGAIN. Regardless of whatever dream you have about the brother/sister; I advise you reason beyond mere dreams and listen to the voice of the spirit. This also places a question mark on the salvation of your FIANCE/FIANCEE if s/he support such a practice.

3. Fear of witches and wizards.
This is a very funny one. There's no way one will not live in the fear of the devil and enemies when one is UNSAVED. You are not safe if you are not SAVED.
Come to think of it, if witches and wizards are after your life, will they allow you get pregnant at all? If you happen to get pregnant, don't they have evil power to invoke a miscarriage or stillbirth? Won't they end up killing you with the baby? Hmmm.

3. Evil world value system.
Our relationship with Christ forms our value system but when one is not saved, one will join the fashion of the world. Our society is becoming highly sexualised. The way people celebrate "SEX" in this generation is like turning it into a "god" Our generation is morally decayed. Sex before marriage is no longer considered a sin but pleasure. I am very sad to see many lives ruined day by day because of fornication. Yet God still has over 7,000 young people who are standing for Him in godliness and purity.

Now to the heart of the matter.

What is God's take on this practise?
GOD HATES IT. God is not in support of it. How do I mean? God require CHASTITY, SEXUAL PURITY (Virginity) from us. God ordained that SEX SHOULD BE EXCLUSIVELY WITHIN THE BOUNDARY OF MARRIAGE. Hebrews 13:4. "Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge"
God wants the best for His children of which you are one. God is not anti-sex but He has set His standards on sexual activities. This practise is anti-God. It is a rebellion against God's order.

The family that require/insists you get pregnant or impregnate their daughter before marriage has skeleton in their cupboard. There are things you are yet to know about their root.

If your intending marital partner has been sexually active before you met and you don't have your peace after you both shared and discuss your past together then the solution is not placing the cart before the horse. I advise both of you to go for tests e.g Scan or fertility tests. If that will give you peace of mind.

Sisters, I am bold to say that if you are born again and people know you for your stand for God and purity; they won't drag you into this mess. Agreeing to pregnancy before wedding means consenting to Sex before marriage.

Why won't they require you get pregnant when they know you have been fornicating with each other for years and you never "mistakenly" conceived? #??#

Are you afraid of witches and wizards? Smiling.
You need to get your Bible and see the real YOU inside of it. If you are born again you have the power over ALL the power of the enemies. "ALL" not "some"

Greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world!

When God is with you; nobody can be against you!
When the enemies rise up like flood; the Lord will raise a standard against them! Oh my goodness!
Who is powerful enough to contend with our God?
All power in heaven and in earth are in His hands!
He will contend with those who contend with us!
You are strong because He teacheth your hands to war.

God has not given us the spirit of fear but of love and power. this people will know that you have BEEN WITH CHRIST.

Finally, God can give second chance to sinners and do miracles to show His awesomeness even in hopeless situations. He can do wonders beyond medical reports! That I know so well. As long as one repent and God sees ones genuineness He can bring forth fruits from the desert. Be sure of the salvation of your partner and let God handle the rest.


God bless you

Rauf Kazeem Isaac
KEY ©2015

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

Wedding Dress vs Heaven Dress

My heart cry is to be more holy, it to be like Jesus,... With this heart cry of mine, I observed something, infact so many thing, one of which I called/titled

Wedding Dress vs Heaven Dress

As we all know that marriage is generally known as a holy matrimony which was first instituted by God for the purpose of partnership, purity, procreation, and peace. With this I found out that the white dress the female wear on the wedding day as history put it, is to symbolize purity but today it seems that is no more the case, may God have mercy.

Come, someone readying this is having the thought that, am judging, hold on, I'm not writing to judge anyone who is not a "virgin" so to say, "virgin" in qoute, I don't mean, act of sexual immorality, what I meant by "not a virgin" is "not born again."

It's a known fact that God is ready to purify you if you desist from fornication or even adultery, that is not the essence of this article please.

I attended a wedding ceremony sometimes ago and I felt highly embarrassed seeing what Christianity has turned to in the hands of women especially. The CBM (chief bride's maid) was almost naked, the bride kept trying all means to cover her cleavage, bridal train another issue, in the church of God!

I'm sorry to say this; a minister's wife was also involved in this. All over the place, you see ladies dressed in clothes that leaves bare the greater parts of their body unfortunately on wedding day too (back, bellies, breast, buttocks, thighs etc.) which hitherto, are considered sacred now displayed as if they are for sale!

It hurts even more to see some of them with such dresses on the TV either preaching morality through the singing of gospel songs or hosting shows meant to educate the public.

Movie actresses and secular musicians would not spare us that nudity either. At other times, it is rather annoying when you see them in such dresses going on the street heading for the church, presumably going to worship God. My father my God! One can't help praying to God for mercy.

Just imagine, low-cut blouses, with necklines almost meeting up the skirt, that exposes the breast not even cleavage anymore! Another 21st century fashion? And these are our would-be-mothers (or even mothers); people who would be expected to nurture young ones into responsible adults in future! What a pity!

Qoute me anywhere with this statement:

"To me all these women are only depicting themselves as women with no virtues, I mean it, no virtues when you dress indecently."

Exposing any part of your body is a shame and DOES NOT GLORIFY GOD! Stop compounding the problem of rape and sexual harassment with your dress standards which are totally degrading and an insult to womanhood.

In 1 Corinthians 8:12-13 (NKJV):
'But when you thus sin against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. Therefore, if food makes my brother stumble, I will never again eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble.

(Cf Rom. 14:21). Beware lest you sin against Christ, you and I know the repercussions! If you are already into this, you can run back to God now, He's willing to save you.

Decent dressing is classy, not expensive and sexy, please let's together pray and correct this unholy dressing trend!!!

I pray God open your eyes of understand to these things as you ponder on it daily....

God bless you

Rauf Kazeem Isaac (esq)
KEY ©2015
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN