Tuesday 14 July 2015


Imagine living the life of your desired dreams. Imagine doing what you’ve always dreamed of for a living. Imagine having the time to do the things you love to do with your family and friends. Now, here’s the formula to make that happen: Desire + Decision X Determination = Destiny!

What does this mean? Let us look at the three components of the formula:


In a book titled The Road to Arrival, the writer describes desire as a state of being an unsatisfied longing (p. 105). Dreams are the product of desire. The starting point of all accomplishment is desire. The fact that you can imagine a certain kind of lifestyle from your self is a good indicator that you have a desire. A dream is simply a strongly desired goal. Desire is the key to motivation because it develops within us a passion to pursue that which we long for. Your desires, however, must be backed by good decision making.


Decision is the ignition key of progress because the instant one makes a solid decision, change will be automatic. It’s one thing to have good desires but it’s quite another to make a quality decision of getting up and pursuing those desires. Many people falter in this area because they do not want to make a commitment. Making a quality decision enables you to find the power of being committed towards your desires. Nothing ever changes until a man or woman makes a decision. Decision should lead to determination.


In a book titled Battling for your Prophetic Destiny, the writer wrote about Abraham Lincoln and how he had many failures yet remained determined to pursue the dream of becoming America’s president. Lincoln himself said, “Always remember that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other thing”. Once you make a decision to pursue a dream, there will be many obstacles and challenges to keep you from working towards your dream. You must be persistent.

So, a positive Desire + Decision X Determination = Positive DESTINY

The key to realizing your desired destiny is to make a decision to be determined as you pursue it. You can live the life of your dreams. You can reach all your goals and surpass them. Stay focused!

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