Thursday, 7 April 2016

NOUN Examinations: Pen On Paper (POP) vs Electronic Exam (E-exam)

NOUN Examinations: Pen On Paper (POP) vs Electronic Exam (E-exam)

Examination some people say is a true test of knowledge. Uhmm, whatever they call it, all I know is that, after you have undergone a series of lectures and you aspire to be certified, then you must go through an assessment before you can be awarded a certificate and it's your performance in the examination that determine the grade your certificate bears.

National Open University of Nigeria and some other higher Institutions have two different options of assessing students performance. One is the Pen On Paper, also know as POP and the other is Electronic Exam which is common referred to as E-exam. I as a person have written series of this examinations both E-exams and POP but I found that of NOUN POP exams to be the cheapest while the E-exam, to be is just nothing when it comes to assessment and expression of student's real self when it comes to knowledge.

Now, in this article, I'll be comparing the two examination and I'll narrow down the scope to POP of which I'll give you clues on how to answer the questions, how to prepare for it, I mean NOUN POP and any other POP exams.

Now, Let's go....

Of course, once upon a time POP was the only option for anyone wanting to write (the computer is new, after all). But now it has its rival, a competitive rival. Has it lost its respect? I mean POP?

Not at all. A lot of people still write using pen and paper. They say it's faster, and that could be for you if you don't know how to type fast. And writing with the hand is easier as well. If you don't know how to type properly, the fingers will first find it painful, whereas writing using the pen is conventional and doesn't add stress. This is a point to keep in mind.

Note this Fact: Many poets still write on paper. The older generation still writes on paper. Paper is not a thing to be ridiculed as a medium of writing. Do your fingers get tired by typing too much? Try pen and paper instead.

My Preparation for NOUN POP Exams
Fellow NOUNites, I'll be stating some clues here and I don't want you to look down on them, but I tell you, if you do them, you'll definitely make it! And I assure you, you can score 50 to 60 something over 70.

The clues I'll be stating are what I did and I must tell you, in the two papers I wrote today, I was asked to answer 4 in the first exam (MTH307) and the other to answer 3 (EDU323). Rememeber, I don't receive lectures, I study myself, and mind you, my programme is B.Sc. (Ed) Mathematics, if this clue work for me and my GP at the moment is 4.0, I think it should work for you.

Go with me....

Clue 1:
Before the semester began, I downloaded all my course materials for that semester. Infact, I must tell you, I downloaded all of them from my Year 1 to Year 4 courses in the year I gained admission, 2013. If you haven't done that, pleas do!

Clue 2:
NOUN has done their materials in a scholarly method. How? At the end of each Unit/Module, you'll see a bolded word tagged "References and Further Reading", a list of books will be listed there but many of us don't take note. Please go through all the units and modules of that course material, you'll find about two or three that are regular, please, go to bookshops, buy them! Although, financial constrain is there, you may buy one, 'cos most of the questions set comes from this textbooks and I bought about 3 to 5 for each of my courses and I must tell you, I found answering the questions easy! Also, if you check the course material on the 3rd page, you'll find something like "Course Write", the name of the author is there and the school where he or she lectures, make contacts with them, I must tell you, they are the ones that marks this scripts and set questions but not often! I met one in UniLag, Laspotech, etc... Although you may not be able to get all of them. Note that

Clue 3:
What did I do next? I visit a nearby Internet Service Provider (ISP) or a cafe, I searched for Lecture Videos on all my courses for that semester, I downloaded them all!

Clue 4:
After I have done Clue 1 to Clue 3, I did something, ask me what? I drafted a workable time table. I must tell you, my reading hours is 7hours daily! Common, it's for your own good! I do read from 10pm to 5am, sleep between 5am to 6:30am before I get set for work and I'll make sure I get to work 7:10am latest! But some can't study up to that, but minimum of 2hrs daily!

Clue 5:
After the drafting of time table, I start my studying. How?
+ I'll get a note
+ I'll study the course material and I'll also study the textbooks I'll bought on that same topic.
+ The note I got, I'll make my own note on the topic without check the course materials and the textbook.
+ Next is, I'll watch the lecture videos, while watching, I'll be taking notes. I do this for all my course!

Let me stop here, I'll continue tomorrow.... I must confess, I am tired and fainting.

Although, it's tasking, take note of this.

"Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men." (Proverbs 22:29).

If you'll like a copy of my E-book titled: "Techniques for Learning at University Level" send me your email to my whatsapp number on: 08131388834 as:

"I want the E-book, Techniques for Learning at University Level, this is my email......."

I love you. Please share it...

I still remain

Rauf Kazeem Isaac
National Open University of Nigeria
School of Education
Department of Mathematics, 300L
Agidigbin, Ikeja Study Centre.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


  1. Thank you Rauf.

    This information is valuable.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. I find this information priceless! Thank you sir.

  3. Exactly what there is for a diligent mind! Thanks Isaacs.
