Guess what?
Tonight, I am examining the part 2 of my article titled:
I'll share with you some things I witnessed today that happen in some denominations which I think worth sharing.
I was to deliver a lecture today in a school, and on my way, I saw something... Something indeed!
On my way, I saw a group of people from a denomination (name withheld), I was hearing the chant of "crucify him", "crucify him", I was prompted to look vividly at them to know what's wrong, lo and behold I saw a tall guy, wearing white garments and a robe with a "dada" hair and a customized crown of thorns and a cross made with 2 by 2 wood, I asked someone, is that Jesus Christ? The same question is what I want to ask you tonight, is he Jesus Christ?
Anyway, I gave a meaning to the act, I call it MOCKERY. They are mocking God the Son, God the Father and the Holy Spirit. But can anybody mock God?" Be not deceived; God is not mocked:..." (Galatians 6:7)
As the "jesus" was carry the cross, they kept on chanting "crucify him", "crucify him" and he was been whipped. suddenly I overheard some saying, "if na so they beat Jesus, shey he go reach Calvary", I smiled. May I ask, what can we call that? Jesting!!!! Am I right? Yes!
Now, if God goes again jesting and mocking, these people will end up in hell except they repent!
The Mighty and Greater Exchange Jesus did made me and you keep living. Look at it:
+ He payed the price of our guilt while we are yet sinners
+ He has no guile in him, yet he was used as a ransomed for me and you.
I don't need to list what he did, 'cos we know them all, but the fact is thatN except ye repent, ye shall likewise perish!
The Lord Jesus Christ, is the Saviour of the church and is the bride of the church. And he tells us from Matthew 25:1. The Lord is calling us today so that, you can be ready for his second coming in verse 2; this were the people waiting for the Lord, also the people in the world. Five were FOOLISH and five were WISE. In verse 3; the foolish took their own ambassador but they did not make enough preparations. In verse 5; They went to get enough extra oil ,our lives should be burning while the bride groom cometh. And it goes towards and said, it will be a mid night cry.
This period isn't the time to mock or make jest but a time of retreat, seeking God's face, looking unto God as the author and finisher of our faith! "Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call him while he is near". This is a time of preparation, a time to get yourself ready for his second coming.
Salvation is personal, sanctification can not be shared with, holiness can not be seen in your life with you waiting for the bride groom. There's a kind of oil that will help all your soul, that oil will help you through the life. There is a kind of oil that is meant for the rapture, that will take you to meet with the bride groom "TAKE HEED" when the trumpet sound and the dead in Christ rise up, the gate then will open for the righteous. That period will not be like this time and after that the believers has been taken away with the rapture, WATCH THEREFORE.
There are people who are going to be foolish and also there are people who are going to be wise. And for you to be WISE. The people who have been CLEANSE, PURITY and PURGE by the Lord. They are the people that knows that Christ is coming. The foolish life will be burning. Burning - It is a continuous life eternal. Your life shining, getting ready that anytime you hear the trumpet sound. Philippi.
Getting yourself ready and you will not be lost. Revelation 19:7: who are the Virgin? Those who wait patiently, those who prepare themselves for the return of the bride groom. Who the bride groom is, CHRIST THE LORD.
They (the foolish) neglect it, they ignore it. Foolish virgin thought they were wise, they didn't think of the latter end. They didn't think the day of the Lord, the day of rapture and the day of reckoning. But the GREAT MEN, are the people who have the record of waiting for the bride groom.
Let me ask you now, How wise are you?
Know this!
Except a man be born again, he shall not see God. Make yourself ready for the Lord (Latter end), waiting for the return of the bride groom.
Repentance is available,
salvation is available,
heaven is available
for those that repent to the Lord. Don't die as a fool, if you leave your life as a fool, you will die as a fool.
Part 3 is loading....
Say this......
God bless you.
I am
Rauf Kazeem Isaac
(C) March, 2016
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN
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