TMA1: SCORE: 10/10
1 The Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action Conference on Human Rights was adopted in the year ____
ANS: D.1993
2 What does the phrase "nolle creminensine lege" means in the philosophy International Criminal Law Acts
ANS: C.No crime without law
3 Which of the following is the basic principles of International humanitarian law
ANS: A.Principles of humanity
4 Any serious violation of law applicable to both intra state and international armed conflicts is called ------
ANS: A.War crime
5 A situation whereby jingoistic spirit is fostered among the people in a given society is referred to as ------
ANS: C.Militarism
6 An act or ability of "repairing" relationships, institutions and social facilities and putting in place schemes that can help the disputing communities to be united one again is known as _____
ANS: D.Peace building
7 A more associated event with peace keeping which often focusing more on demobilization and re-integration programmes and immediate reconstruction needs is called _____ peace building
ANS: A.Post-conflict
8 Which of the following is not among the roles played by peacebuilding?
ANS: A.Acquisition of arms and ammunitions
9 What does the acronym UNTAG stands for?
ANS: D.United Nations Transitional Assistance Group
10 UNTAG made a notable and huge success in the empowerment of _____ in political decision making and political participation in Namibia.
ANS: C.Women
11 A protracted state of violent large-scale conflict involving two or more parties is ---
ANS: C.War
12 The only source of war is _____
ANS: D.Politics
13 Which century recorded more war with incomparable human casualty than the previous centuries put together?
ANS: A.20th century
14 The civil war initiated by Revolutionary United Front (RUF) was campioned by _____
ANS: B.Foday Sonkoh
15 The danger of war in West Africa could be observed in the volume of all except
ANS: C.Non circulation of small arms
16 The region that has experienced the highest or the lion share in the flows of refugees in Africa is referred to as ----- .
ANS: D.Great Lake
17 The act of putting some power or faculty into vigorous action is called _____
ANS: A.Exertion
18 The cause of armed hostility between China and Japan was the control of ____
ANS: B.Korea
19 _____ is the sin total of the learned behavious of a group of people which are generally considered to be the tradition of that people and are transmitted from generation to generation
ANS: C.Culture
20 The use of elephant in warfare was first adopted in _____
ANS: D.India
TMA2: SCORE: 10/10
1 All are the agents of violence modeling except one. Pick the wrong option.
ANS: C.Advertisement
2 The assertion that man's inhumanity against fellow man is not in human nature but in human nurture was propounded by who?
ANS: D.Rousseau
3 Where there are inter–religious skirmishes, some moderate Muslims are often attacked physically by their fellow Muslim brethren for protecting Christians in their domain against any physical aggression. It is referred to as _____ violence
ANS: A.Inward
4 The process through which one acquires knowledge and skills that establishment in him man social patterns of response to external stimuli is known as _____
ANS: C.Social learning
5 The genocide in Rwanda is an example of _____ problem
ANS: B.Identity
6 _____values are the ones the state or group seeks to satisfy but can be compromised due to less relevance the group or state ascribes to them.
ANS: C.Shell
7 The sources of culture of war include the following except which one?
ANS: D.Creativity
8 _____ formalized the politics of sphere of influence and colonialism of Africa by European imperialists
ANS: A.Berlin conference
9 Nuclear submarine was invented in _____
ANS: B.1955
10 What period featured the development of field artillery, battalions, infantry drill etc
ANS: D.Renaissance period
11 The use of elephant in warfare was first adopted in _____
ANS: D.India
12 _____ is the sin total of the learned behavious of a group of people which are generally considered to be the tradition of that people and are transmitted from generation to generation
ANS: C.Culture
13 The cause of armed hostility between China and Japan was the control of ____
ANS: B.Korea
14 The act of putting some power or faculty into vigorous action is called _____
ANS: A.Exertion
15 The region that has experienced the highest or the lion share in the flows of refugees in Africa is referred to as ----- .
ANS: D.Great Lake
16 The danger of war in West Africa could be observed in the volume of all except
ANS: C.Non circulation of small arms
17 The civil war initiated by Revolutionary United Front (RUF) was campioned by _____
ANS: B.Foday Sonkoh
18 Which century recorded more war with incomparable human casualty than the previous centuries put together?
ANS: A.20th century
19 The only source of war is _____
ANS: D.Politics
20 A protracted state of violent large-scale conflict involving two or more parties is ---
ANS: C.War
TMA3: SCORE: 10/10
1 The use of elephant in warfare was first adopted in _____
ANS: D.India
2 _____ is the sin total of the learned behavious of a group of people which are generally considered to be the tradition of that people and are transmitted from generation to generation
ANS: C.Culture
3 The cause of armed hostility between China and Japan was the control of ____
ANS: B.Korea
4 The act of putting some power or faculty into vigorous action is called _____
ANS: A.Exertion
5 The region that has experienced the highest or the lion share in the flows of refugees in Africa is referred to as ----- .
ANS: D.Great Lake
6 The danger of war in West Africa could be observed in the volume of all except
ANS: C.Non circulation of small arms
7 The civil war initiated by Revolutionary United Front (RUF) was campioned by _____
ANS: B.Foday Sonkoh
8 Which century recorded more war with incomparable human casualty than the previous centuries put together?
ANS: A.20th century
9 The only source of war is _____
ANS: D.Politics
10 A protracted state of violent large-scale conflict involving two or more parties is ---
ANS: C.War
11 Which of the following is not part of the features of war?
ANS: C.Common agreement
12 An aspect of war in which the warring parties enjoy optional joint control of the war event to prevent to a large extent uncontrolled or uncontrollable destruction is known as ------
ANS: B.Manageable
13 The dispute between Nigeria and Cameroon over the ownership of Bakassi, which almost broke into full scale war can be referred to as what.
ANS: D.Accidental war
14 The war action undertaken by a party or a group of parties to contain the activities of an aggression or a group of aggressors is called -------
ANS: A.Just war
15 When was French socialist leader, Jean Jaure was assassinated?
ANS: B.13 April, 1914
16 A process that is actually associated with any peace initiations aimed at transforming the conflict between two or more parties without addressing the structural problems or root causes is called -------
ANS: D.Negative peace
17 What year did the United Nations declared as the year of culture of peace?
ANS: A.2000
18 Women participation in the Inter-Congolese Dialogue (ICD) took place in _____
ANS: C.Sun City Resort
19 Crimes against humanity attracts ------ penalty.
ANS: A.Long-term imprisonment
20 The convention on the Elimination of all forms of discrimination against woman was adopted in the year ------
ANS: D.1981
TMA4: Score: 10/10
1 All are the agents of violence modeling except one. Pick the wrong option.
ANS: C.Advertisement
2 The assertion that man's inhumanity against fellow man is not in human nature but in human nurture was propounded by who?
ANS: D.Rousseau
3 Where there are inter–religious skirmishes, some moderate Muslims are often attacked physically by their fellow Muslim brethren for protecting Christians in their domain against any physical aggression. It is referred to as _____ violence
ANS: A.Inward
4 The process through which one acquires knowledge and skills that establishment in him man social patterns of response to external stimuli is known as _____
ANS: C.Social learning
5 The genocide in Rwanda is an example of _____ problem
ANS: B.Identity
6 _____values are the ones the state or group seeks to satisfy but can be compromised due to less relevance the group or state ascribes to them.
ANS: C.Shell
7 The sources of culture of war include the following except which one?
ANS: D.Creativity
8 _____ formalized the politics of sphere of influence and colonialism of Africa by European imperialists
ANS: A.Berlin conference
9 Nuclear submarine was invented in _____
ANS: B.1955
10 What period featured the development of field artillery, battalions, infantry drill etc
ANS: D.Renaissance period
11 The Programme of Action Conference on Human Rights called Vienna Declaration was adopted in the year ____
ANS: D.1993
12 What does the phrase "nolle creminensine lege" means in the philosophy International Criminal Law Acts
ANS: C.No crime without law
13 Which of the following is the basic principles of International humanitarian law
ANS: A.Principles of humanity
14 Any serious violation of law applicable to both intra state and international armed conflicts is called ------
ANS: A.War crime
15 A situation whereby jingoistic spirit is fostered among the people in a given society is referred to as ------
ANS: C.Militarism
16 An act or ability of "repairing" relationships, institutions and social facilities and putting in place schemes that can help the disputing communities to be united one again is known as _____
ANS: D.Peace building
17 A more associated event with peace keeping which often focusing more on demobilization and re-integration programmes and immediate reconstruction needs is called _____ peace building
ANS: A.Post-conflict
18 Which of the following is not among the roles played by peacebuilding?
ANS: A.Acquisition of arms and ammunitions
19 What does the acronym UNTAG stands for?
ANS: D.United Nations Transitional Assistance Group
20 UNTAG made a notable and huge success in the empowerment of _____ in political decision making and political participation in Namibia.
ANS: C.Women
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