Saturday, 26 March 2016


For the past 3days now, I have been talking about our Lord Jesus Christ, about his crucifixion and it talking about how he died on the cross. Christ who lives a perfect life, Christ who lives a holy life, a spotless life. He did no evil, he lives as a Son of God, he lives as God sent. When the time comes, that the purpose for him to come to the world, I want to boldly tell that the time has eventually come.

That's why tonight, I want to conclude my article which is the part 3 which the title


Go with me!


Who said this words/statement? Where and why did he say it? How did he say it? The answers to this question will be outlined in this article.

The redemption of man kind, the atonement that
need to be made for the sins of the whole world he
said "IT IS FINISHED". As you think about what you have and what you don't have, remember he said;
IT IS FINISHED. No doubt, you know who said the statement "IT IS FINISHED", tell me his name. His name if above every other name in heaven and in earth and his name is Jesus Christ of Nazareth!

The second question is where and why did he say it?
He said it on the Cross of Calvary and he said it because of OUR FREEDOM and our freedom is THROUGH HIS CROSS BEARING.

#sigh, Jesus Christ bore the cross, he bought the
cross for you, your challenge where too heavy for you to carry and that's why he helped you to bear the cross. I am sure you know that on the cross, he was crucified, where you are identified as a the =>Sinner then => the sinner now => talking about you. Tonight, you need to bring them to repentance and let there be conviction and conversion.

Like I said, this season is a period of retreat, a time were you need to come to the Calvary for cleansing. Although, there are different kinds of sins in life : "for the wages of sin is death" don't you know? If you don't know,n let me tell you this:
+ Sin brings suffering,
+ Sin brings sickness.
+ Sin brings bondage

Thank God, I AM FREE!

That is why Jesus Christ said, father forgive them for they know not what they do! that was the final sacrifice, no other sacrifice at that time and the final sacrifice has been declared. The final sacrifice that takes away sins and also takes away sickness.

The Lord Jesus Christ abide in heaven, and the people who believe in him dwell also with him forever in heaven. But note that, if you are still a slave to sin, if you are still a slave to Satan, you can not abide with him in heaven, 'cos the scripture confirms it that " if the Son therefore
shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed ". Other
people think it is impossible to be free from sin and do sickness, from smoking and drinking, but tonight I want to assure you, that if you let Jesus come into your heart you'll be free indeed.

How did he say "IT IS FINISHED?" The answer to this is simple, he said it with agony and with his last breadth and all his strength at the point of crucifixion. It's a pity! Imagine someone with a pool of blood, nailed, whipped, pierced, Imagine that state. It's a time for you to make a U-turn and ask him to come into your heart.

The chain God requires from us as his children is this:

* Repentance » Righteous living » Restitution »Remain in love » Run to Evangelize » Rise to pray.

Time will not permit me to explain each in this article but will do that some other time.

If you know this song, sing it with me, it's titled, "AT THE CROSS" by Isaac Watts

Verse 1:
Alas! and did my Savior bleed
And did my Sov'reign die?
Would He devote that sacred head
For such a worm as I?

At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light,
And the burden of my heart rolled away,
It was there by faith I received my sight,
And now I am happy all the day!

Verse 2:
Thy body slain, sweet Jesus, Thine—
And bathed in its own blood—
While the firm mark of wrath divine,
His soul in anguish stood.

Verse 3:
Was it for crimes that I had done
He groaned upon the tree?
Amazing pity! grace unknown!
And love beyond degree!

Verse 4:
Well might the sun in darkness hide
And shut his glories in,
When Christ, the mighty Maker died,
For man the creature's sin.

Verse 5:
Thus might I hide my blushing face
While His dear cross appears,
Dissolve my heart in thankfulness,
And melt my eyes to tears.

Verse 6:
But drops of grief can ne'er repay
The debt of love I owe:
Here, Lord, I give myself away,
'Tis all that I can do.

Note this: there is no fellowship with God in soiled garments

Pray this prayer: Help me Lord to stay holy

And I want to employ you, "Take time to be holy"

Don't delay the day of your salvation, delay is dangerous. If you miss heaven you'll cry!

Here I come to the end of this article. Coming next on my list is the title:

ESCATOLOGY (meaning: the events of the "Last Days")

The author has not change his name, he is and has been and will always be

Rauf Kazeem Isaac
(C) March, 2016.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

Friday, 25 March 2016


It's Good Friday!!!!

Guess what?

Tonight, I am examining the part 2 of my article titled:


I'll share with you some things I witnessed today that happen in some denominations which I think worth sharing.

I was to deliver a lecture today in a school, and on my way, I saw something... Something indeed!


On my way, I saw a group of people from a denomination (name withheld), I was hearing the chant of "crucify him", "crucify him", I was prompted to look vividly at them to know what's wrong, lo and behold I saw a tall guy, wearing white garments and a robe with a "dada" hair and a customized crown of thorns and a cross made with 2 by 2 wood, I asked someone, is that Jesus Christ? The same question is what I want to ask you tonight, is he Jesus Christ?

Anyway, I gave a meaning to the act, I call it MOCKERY. They are mocking God the Son, God the Father and the Holy Spirit. But can anybody mock God?" Be not deceived; God is not mocked:..." (Galatians 6:7)

As the "jesus" was carry the cross, they kept on chanting "crucify him", "crucify him" and he was been whipped. suddenly I overheard some saying, "if na so they beat Jesus, shey he go reach Calvary", I smiled. May I ask, what can we call that? Jesting!!!! Am I right? Yes!

Now, if God goes again jesting and mocking, these people will end up in hell except they repent!

The Mighty and Greater Exchange Jesus did made me and you keep living. Look at it:

+ He payed the price of our guilt while we are yet sinners
+ He has no guile in him, yet he was used as a ransomed for me and you.

I don't need to list what he did, 'cos we know them all, but the fact is thatN except ye repent, ye shall likewise perish!

The Lord Jesus Christ, is the Saviour of the church and is the bride of the church. And he tells us from Matthew 25:1. The Lord is calling us today so that, you can be ready for his second coming in verse 2; this were the people waiting for the Lord, also the people in the world. Five were FOOLISH and five were WISE. In verse 3; the foolish took their own ambassador but they did not make enough preparations. In verse 5; They went to get enough extra oil ,our lives should be burning while the bride groom cometh. And it goes towards and said, it will be a mid night cry.

This period isn't the time to mock or make jest but a time of retreat, seeking God's face, looking unto God as the author and finisher of our faith! "Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call him while he is near". This is a time of preparation, a time to get yourself ready for his second coming.

Salvation is personal, sanctification can not be shared with, holiness can not be seen in your life with you waiting for the bride groom. There's a kind of oil that will help all your soul, that oil will help you through the life. There is a kind of oil that is meant for the rapture, that will take you to meet with the bride groom "TAKE HEED" when the trumpet sound and the dead in Christ rise up, the gate then will open for the righteous. That period will not be like this time and after that the believers has been taken away with the rapture, WATCH THEREFORE.

There are people who are going to be foolish and also there are people who are going to be wise. And for you to be WISE. The people who have been CLEANSE, PURITY and PURGE by the Lord. They are the people that knows that Christ is coming. The foolish life will be burning. Burning - It is a continuous life eternal. Your life shining, getting ready that anytime you hear the trumpet sound. Philippi.

Getting yourself ready and you will not be lost. Revelation 19:7: who are the Virgin? Those who wait patiently, those who prepare themselves for the return of the bride groom. Who the bride groom is, CHRIST THE LORD.

They (the foolish) neglect it, they ignore it. Foolish virgin thought they were wise, they didn't think of the latter end. They didn't think the day of the Lord, the day of rapture and the day of reckoning. But the GREAT MEN, are the people who have the record of waiting for the bride groom.

Let me ask you now, How wise are you?

Know this!

Except a man be born again, he shall not see God. Make yourself ready for the Lord (Latter end), waiting for the return of the bride groom.

Repentance is available,

salvation is available,

heaven is available

for those that repent to the Lord. Don't die as a fool, if you leave your life as a fool, you will die as a fool.

Part 3 is loading....

Say this......


God bless you.

I am

Rauf Kazeem Isaac
(C) March, 2016
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

Thursday, 24 March 2016


Been eve of "Good Friday", It's commonly referred to as a Christian religious holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary.

It's not new that Jesus Christ died and rose again, that's why tonight, I am examining the topic titled:


I'll love to ask a question, although some people never though of such a question. The question is:

"Why did judas betray Jesus?"

Most of us have over the years wonder why Judas betrayed his master, apart from the reason that it has been prophesied, but please don't forget that in the prophecy given about Jesus' betrayal, the name of the betrayer was not given/mentioned, which means it could have been peter or John or thomas or phillip or the judas or any of the disciples! Some of us also believed that it was due to judas love for money but after being paid 30 pieces of silver, he ended up throwing the money away!

Nevertheless, his GREED and love for money can't be overlooked, considering the reason. The main reason judas betrayed Jesus was because he was the most OFFENDED among the rest of the disciples, who were also offended against Jesus for not stopping Mary, the sister of Lazarus, who poured her expensive oil from an alabaster box on Him, when they were all in the house of simon the leper! You need to Study Matt.26:6-16 to understand this better.

Matt.26:8 made it clear that it was ALL the 12 disciples that was angry and offended at what that woman with the Alabaster box of expensive ointment did to Jesus! Verse9 also made it clear that it was ALL the 12 disciples(not just Judas) that suggested that the expensive oil should be sold and given to the poor but verse 14-16 says it was only ONE out of the offended 12 disciples that took the matter too personal; he went too far because he was disappointed and was the most OFFENDED among them, coupled with his GREED, he concluded that if he(Judas) cannot sell the alabaster oil for money, then he must sell Jesus(the one whom the oil was poured on)for money!

We have a lot "disciples", pastors, bishops, etc today, who are still SELLING Jesus for money; they because of GREED are betraying their master(Christ) by merchandising the anointing. It's a pity.

May I ask you, don't you think Jesus had the power to freed himself after th arrest? Definitely, he has, but why did he? It's because, the will of the Father be done.
"...O my Father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done. " (Matthew 26:42).
He allowed it all because of LOVE.

Love is the motivation for everything God did for us in Christ Jesus. This week is a celebration of the mix of love and compassion that God displayed for us. More than two thousand years ago, heaven invaded the earth, and the result was the redemption of man. God became (flesh) man, walked the earth and paid our legal, spiritual and social debt. We earned our freedom on the basis of his blood.

Christianity without love is the definition of religion. Love for the Holy Spirit activates a walk in the supernatural. Love for others is one of the test of our love for God. The system of the law with a windows 98 is good but cannot operate our current walk with God that is a system of grace with a windows 10. The system of the law was good, but was just to guard us until Christ came (Galatians 4).

Real Article:
Easter: The Great and Mighty Exchange
Jesus Christ did nothing else other than EXCHANGE. Exchange in what sense, he died for you and me so that we can be redeemed, reconciled to God, our creator. It's a great and mighty exchange because no man on earth even in heaven do that. That's why the Bible recorded it that "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. " (John 15:13)
Get it clear....
+ Jesus Christ died so that we'll not die (physical death), so that we'll not perish in Hell provided we accept him. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. " (John 3:16).

+ Jesus Christ resurrection makes us a new creature by faith. Jesus died so we could change. Without his death, there is no justification before God. There is no Holy Spirit coming to heal our rebellious souls and make our small acts of worship worthy. Without Jesus we're trapped. We are slaves to our own sinful desires and couldn't obey God even if we wanted to. And God had every right to leave us this way, but he didn't. Out of the shear force of his loving will, because of grace alone, he sent Jesus to take on our sin. This encounter with such unimaginable grace will change you.

There are other reasons why he died, but I'll be examining them in the next Part.

All that we need to do was just confess with our mouths the lordship of Jesus and also confess with our hearts that God raised him from the dead and we will be saved (Romans 10:9-10). That becomes the genesis of our walk with the king. Pretty soon, we discover that salvation is a launch into a love world and walk with God and man.

Now that Christ has come, we are no longer under the system of the law but grace. The reason for all of these is love. Grace is the facility for a love walk with God and man. That is why whether you are an Anglican, Methodist, Redeem, Winners, Deeper, Baptist, Dream center or whatever, love should be our common identity. I mean love for God and man. All these petty jealousy, criticism and condemnation of ourselves is not God's way.

No matter your denomination, if you find it difficult to relate with other believers only because of denominational difference, may be you need a spiritual overhaul. Friends of God, the true church is mystical, it goes beyond the confines of denomination or church buildings.

All these "mine is better than yours" mindset is not going to get us anywhere in the body of Christ in this nation. Our doctrinal differences may be a matter, but is should not separate us. Some believers find it difficult to attend other people's programmes, yet they keep inviting others. True, you don't want to be 'contaminated', but he/she too does not want to be 'contaminated' too.

If you have an issue with any believer, you can correct the person biblically with love, not condemn such. In heaven there is no winners lodge or Redeem close or Deeper street or Baptist junction, it is the same heaven for all of us. The same believer you don't want to have anything to do with not as a result of sin, but for denominational difference will also make it to that same heaven!

It is the same strategy of division that the enemy is using against the body. Friends, let us get back to the altar of love and unity. "... While we are yet sinners Jesus died for us..." He expect the reciprocation of the love, but imagine, if we don't love ourselves, how can we claim to love God? And how can we even win the world for Jesus? Our ministry is of reconciliation in love, not condemnation through intense criticism and hatred.

Now, Christ said and is saying, the exchange I made on the cross and that you've accepted, he said "Go and tell them the story, and that's where evangelism comes in. I must say, evangelism must be motivated by love. Let love be the motivation for all your actions as a believer. I love you and Jesus loves you more. Have a purpose driven Easter period.

I want to drop my pen here for part 1 as we awaits Part 2 of this article.

But before I drop my pen, sing this song with me...

He loves me I cannot say why,
He loves me I cannot say why,
On Calvary tree, He suffered for me,
He loves me I cannot say why.

You'll know why when part 2 comes...

God bless us

I haven't changed my name...

I remain

Rauf Kazeem Isaac
(C) March, 2016.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

Wednesday, 23 March 2016


I read an article online and I was touched. It's all about marriage.

Infact, the day I read it, some of my friends made it clear to me that, "Isaac, the way I see you, you are capable of getting married next year. And nothing will stop you 'cos you have everything marriage requires", I was like, "I am sorry, it's not possible" and I responded, in matter of 20years to come, I'll get married. That one is by the way.

I have come to realize some facts and truths which some of us may know and some don't, so, I'll like you to read carefully 'cos this article will transform your marital life whether you are in or you are about to go in or you are in already or even you are out (divorce). I tell you, you'll not regret you read.

I'll be saying some things here but God is the giver of the knowledge, like I said, I am not married but I can transform and reform your marriage.

Do you sense God's call upon your life, already understand His purpose for your existence; but scared to take those revealed 'bold steps' towards its fulfilment?

Are you convinced about your leading to that particular sister, but still delaying or afraid of giving a positive response to that God-sent brother after all convictions and confirmations due to the bitter experiences of others in their marriages?

Like some will say, "uuuhhhhmmm, this issue of marriage self, can I really go into it..." won't I rather be another 'Brother Paul'/'Sister Paul'?

Probably yours is about your repeated marriage failure, things not going well, inability to feed the family after wedding? And you say: "Why am I so different, why can't I succeed like others....". "Is this woman having a good fortune at all?" "Abi, she's not God's will" I am quiete sure, all this questions make you feel 'caged' and makes you scared of starting all over!

To married women, probably, sometimes ago, you once had a miscarriage, the pains you went through still keeps flashing through your mind, and now scared of getting pregnant again, you don't even want your husband to come closer?

Probably yours is about the issue of location; you know God is leading you to change your location and move to a totally strange city; but to you, it seems like a desert, and you are wondering how can 'water' flow in that desert land?

Some will say, 'I'm a man, I can do anything', I heard one popular Yoruba musician sang a song 'I can have many wives, it's not bad but if a woman has two men, it's illegal and she's a prostitute'. Permit me to tell you that if as a man, you're involved in such, you are also a prostitute, no more no less. Prostitution is not a function of the female gender, it applies to both.

As a married man, you flirt with ladies and say 'Its a man's world, I can have more than one woman'. You are not a man, you're just a boy who does not understand the principle of self control, integrity and the fear of God!

Stop deceiving yourself and allowing the devil to play with your destiny! A responsible man will take care of a woman in hundred ways not 'taking care of women' in one way. Faithfulness is a virtue, get it!

Your success is not in the hands of some foreign women or women in general, it's in your hands with God. Some men, you have allowed your erection to be your director, what do we call that? May God save you!!!!

You're adjusted and created to be a leader, why then are you allowing the devil enslave you on the laps of women. Inside of you is Rose, Precious, Peju and so on (apology if that's your name),

Let me Say this, some men don't know that for as many that you have sexual intercourse with, you form a covenant with them and carries whatever they carry too, good or bad? Unfortunately, bad most times!

Where are the young men who ought to be vibrant for God and taking the world, they are asleep in the bosom of strange women! What on earth are you looking for in another lady when you have your wife, covetousness it is called! I won't be surprised when you get stuck with one and lose your destiny!

Men, open your ears and listen, "for every Samson there is a Delilah and for every Joseph, there is a Mrs. Potiphar."

These two men were lured by a woman but the difference is the condition of their heart. No man or woman can lure you into immorality if you don't allow it, it starts from your heart, what is going on in your thought - to yield or desist?

Let's be real to ourselves, keep that thing inside your trousers, if you cannot zip up as a young man before WEDDING, you will remain zip down even after WEDDING. It is not a sin to have an erection, but it is a sin to follow the direction of that erection, if you allow your erection to determine your direction you will end up in destruction!

I am not condemning anyone, let's just call a spade a spade. Make decision to change today, it is not too late, Christ is waiting for you, to give you a great future, to re-create you, to re-mold you and make you a better person. The choice is yours, come to Jesus before it's too late.

We are in a world where people believe that they know what is right and wrong. Many are fast becoming opinionated and there's nothing no one could say that can negate their opinion. And if you do, you'll be termed being judgmental.

Many marriages have fallen, some has no trace and some it's quarrel everyday, beating everyday, do you know why? Some of the reason is Adultery and Fornication. Adultery and fornication is a common virus that has infected lots of people. Teenagers are fornicating, they call it fun; married people are having sexual relationship outside their marriage and they find justification for their escapades.

The fact that the society we live in justifies fornication and adultery to be right doesn't makes it so. How I wish people understood what's at stake than to venture into the destructive pleasure it offers.

Do you know that one thing that makes people fornicate or commit adultery is their lack of understanding?

Understanding to people is relative. Some people only understand the physical nature of things while some comprehends both the physical and spiritual implications of a thing.

If the understanding you have about fornication or adultery is only about the 'fun' you enjoy without knowing what's at stake, you lack understanding.
It's not understanding when you're only bothered about the pleasure in sexual sin. And it doesn't even matter if you have a PhD, go to church oftentimes or you're a worker in there, you're educated, connected with informed people or you're so exposed or vast in knowledge. All of that doesn't matter.

My beloved brothers and sisters, concerning all these 'happenings', 'prunings' are all because of what God is set to do in your life which is beyond you; because He has purposed to make you an 'answer' to the problems of this generation! Your refusal to take that convinced 'step' is synonymous to saying: "Lord, don't use me...announce

Yourself through another person"! No, Beloved, you have been assigned to fulfil that great purpose and you WILL; God's grace is sufficient for you. So, GO!!!

On a final note, Marriage is different from Wedding, Wedding is a day event and marriage is a life time commitment and vow. Make your marriage count for eternity, build godly children, and not wayward ones.. Someone said marriage is an institution. I examined it and found out it's true. In an institution, when you have completed your academic program, a certificate is given to you to show what your ground and level is.. So also in marriage, the children is the certificate, they speak about the family outside, the type of family background be it good or bad.

To round off, Pastor (Dr.) W.F Kumuyi said no age bracket for marriage, you may be 15, 16, 17 or whatever age, you can get married provided you can fulfill all mandatory of the family, in terms of food, shelter and clothing.

It's a pleasure you have read....

Thank you so much, I love you.

I do have a name....

Rauf Kazeem Isaac
(C) March, 2016
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

NOUN TMA Solutions of Some Courses

GST 107 [The Good Study Guide]; Score: 30/30





TMA 1: 10/10


2. Damages

3. Torts










13. LAW

14. LAW

15. LAW





20. THIRTEENTH (TMA 2, 3 and 4 is loading)

CSS211 [Sociology Of Crime And Deliquency] TMA
TMA 1: Score: 10/10
1. A (Child)

2. A (Remand)

3. D (correct)

4. D (retribution)

5. D (restoration)

6. A (reintegrative)

7. C (john braithwaite)

8. A (sentencing)

9. C (test)

10. C (capital)

11. D (legal)

12. C (corporal)

13. D (nolle prosequi)

14. C (conviction)

15. B (CYP)

16. A (17)

17. A (225)

18. B (218 )

19. A (14)

20. C (37)

TMA 2: score: 10/10
1. B (retribution)

2. C (CPC)

3. C (southern)

4. D (coroner)

5. D (mistake of fact)

6. C (guilty)

7. A (state)

8. C (Roman)

9. A (body of civil law)

10. D (good conscience)

11. C (appellate)

12. A (chlorofluorocarbon)

13. B (retribution)

14. B (incapacitation)

15. A (rehabilitation)

16. D (substantive)

17. D (0-18 )

18. B (Borstal)

19. C (3)

20. C (substantive)

TMA 3: score: 10/10
1.D (detterence)

2.A (antisocial)

3.A (substantive)

4.C (territorial)

5.D (england)

6.B (public)

7.A (private)

8.B (oliver w. holmes)

9. A (Austin)

10.C (scientific)

11.C (normative)

12.D (concurrent)

13.A (two)

14.C (state)

15.D (braithwaite)

16.B (social)

17.A (secret)

18.B (Greek)

19.A (conscience)

20.B (working)

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

NOUN: PCR 261 TMA Solution


TMA1: SCORE: 10/10
1 The Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action Conference on Human Rights was adopted in the year ____
ANS: D.1993

2 What does the phrase "nolle creminensine lege" means in the philosophy International Criminal Law Acts
ANS: C.No crime without law

3 Which of the following is the basic principles of International humanitarian law
ANS: A.Principles of humanity

4 Any serious violation of law applicable to both intra state and international armed conflicts is called ------
ANS: A.War crime

5 A situation whereby jingoistic spirit is fostered among the people in a given society is referred to as ------
ANS: C.Militarism

6 An act or ability of "repairing" relationships, institutions and social facilities and putting in place schemes that can help the disputing communities to be united one again is known as _____
ANS: D.Peace building

7 A more associated event with peace keeping which often focusing more on demobilization and re-integration programmes and immediate reconstruction needs is called _____ peace building
ANS: A.Post-conflict

8 Which of the following is not among the roles played by peacebuilding?
ANS: A.Acquisition of arms and ammunitions

9 What does the acronym UNTAG stands for?
ANS: D.United Nations Transitional Assistance Group

10 UNTAG made a notable and huge success in the empowerment of _____ in political decision making and political participation in Namibia.
ANS: C.Women

11 A protracted state of violent large-scale conflict involving two or more parties is ---
ANS: C.War

12 The only source of war is _____
ANS: D.Politics

13 Which century recorded more war with incomparable human casualty than the previous centuries put together?
ANS: A.20th century

14 The civil war initiated by Revolutionary United Front (RUF) was campioned by _____
ANS: B.Foday Sonkoh

15 The danger of war in West Africa could be observed in the volume of all except
ANS: C.Non circulation of small arms

16 The region that has experienced the highest or the lion share in the flows of refugees in Africa is referred to as ----- .
ANS: D.Great Lake

17 The act of putting some power or faculty into vigorous action is called _____
ANS: A.Exertion

18 The cause of armed hostility between China and Japan was the control of ____
ANS: B.Korea

19 _____ is the sin total of the learned behavious of a group of people which are generally considered to be the tradition of that people and are transmitted from generation to generation
ANS: C.Culture

20 The use of elephant in warfare was first adopted in _____
ANS: D.India


TMA2: SCORE: 10/10
1 All are the agents of violence modeling except one. Pick the wrong option.
ANS: C.Advertisement

2 The assertion that man's inhumanity against fellow man is not in human nature but in human nurture was propounded by who?
ANS: D.Rousseau

3 Where there are inter–religious skirmishes, some moderate Muslims are often attacked physically by their fellow Muslim brethren for protecting Christians in their domain against any physical aggression. It is referred to as _____ violence
ANS: A.Inward

4 The process through which one acquires knowledge and skills that establishment in him man social patterns of response to external stimuli is known as _____
ANS: C.Social learning

5 The genocide in Rwanda is an example of _____ problem
ANS: B.Identity

6 _____values are the ones the state or group seeks to satisfy but can be compromised due to less relevance the group or state ascribes to them.
ANS: C.Shell

7 The sources of culture of war include the following except which one?
ANS: D.Creativity

8 _____ formalized the politics of sphere of influence and colonialism of Africa by European imperialists
ANS: A.Berlin conference

9 Nuclear submarine was invented in _____
ANS: B.1955

10 What period featured the development of field artillery, battalions, infantry drill etc
ANS: D.Renaissance period

11 The use of elephant in warfare was first adopted in _____
ANS: D.India

12 _____ is the sin total of the learned behavious of a group of people which are generally considered to be the tradition of that people and are transmitted from generation to generation
ANS: C.Culture

13 The cause of armed hostility between China and Japan was the control of ____
ANS: B.Korea

14 The act of putting some power or faculty into vigorous action is called _____
ANS: A.Exertion

15 The region that has experienced the highest or the lion share in the flows of refugees in Africa is referred to as ----- .
ANS: D.Great Lake

16 The danger of war in West Africa could be observed in the volume of all except
ANS: C.Non circulation of small arms

17 The civil war initiated by Revolutionary United Front (RUF) was campioned by _____
ANS: B.Foday Sonkoh

18 Which century recorded more war with incomparable human casualty than the previous centuries put together?
ANS: A.20th century

19 The only source of war is _____
ANS: D.Politics

20 A protracted state of violent large-scale conflict involving two or more parties is ---
ANS: C.War


TMA3: SCORE: 10/10
1 The use of elephant in warfare was first adopted in _____
ANS: D.India

2 _____ is the sin total of the learned behavious of a group of people which are generally considered to be the tradition of that people and are transmitted from generation to generation
ANS: C.Culture

3 The cause of armed hostility between China and Japan was the control of ____
ANS: B.Korea

4 The act of putting some power or faculty into vigorous action is called _____
ANS: A.Exertion

5 The region that has experienced the highest or the lion share in the flows of refugees in Africa is referred to as ----- .
ANS: D.Great Lake

6 The danger of war in West Africa could be observed in the volume of all except
ANS: C.Non circulation of small arms

7 The civil war initiated by Revolutionary United Front (RUF) was campioned by _____
ANS: B.Foday Sonkoh

8 Which century recorded more war with incomparable human casualty than the previous centuries put together?
ANS: A.20th century

9 The only source of war is _____
ANS: D.Politics

10 A protracted state of violent large-scale conflict involving two or more parties is ---
ANS: C.War

11 Which of the following is not part of the features of war?
ANS: C.Common agreement

12 An aspect of war in which the warring parties enjoy optional joint control of the war event to prevent to a large extent uncontrolled or uncontrollable destruction is known as ------
ANS: B.Manageable

13 The dispute between Nigeria and Cameroon over the ownership of Bakassi, which almost broke into full scale war can be referred to as what.
ANS: D.Accidental war

14 The war action undertaken by a party or a group of parties to contain the activities of an aggression or a group of aggressors is called -------
ANS: A.Just war

15 When was French socialist leader, Jean Jaure was assassinated?
ANS: B.13 April, 1914

16 A process that is actually associated with any peace initiations aimed at transforming the conflict between two or more parties without addressing the structural problems or root causes is called -------
ANS: D.Negative peace

17 What year did the United Nations declared as the year of culture of peace?
ANS: A.2000

18 Women participation in the Inter-Congolese Dialogue (ICD) took place in _____
ANS: C.Sun City Resort

19 Crimes against humanity attracts ------ penalty.
ANS: A.Long-term imprisonment

20 The convention on the Elimination of all forms of discrimination against woman was adopted in the year ------
ANS: D.1981


TMA4: Score: 10/10
1 All are the agents of violence modeling except one. Pick the wrong option.
ANS: C.Advertisement

2 The assertion that man's inhumanity against fellow man is not in human nature but in human nurture was propounded by who?
ANS: D.Rousseau

3 Where there are inter–religious skirmishes, some moderate Muslims are often attacked physically by their fellow Muslim brethren for protecting Christians in their domain against any physical aggression. It is referred to as _____ violence
ANS: A.Inward

4 The process through which one acquires knowledge and skills that establishment in him man social patterns of response to external stimuli is known as _____
ANS: C.Social learning

5 The genocide in Rwanda is an example of _____ problem
ANS: B.Identity

6 _____values are the ones the state or group seeks to satisfy but can be compromised due to less relevance the group or state ascribes to them.
ANS: C.Shell

7 The sources of culture of war include the following except which one?
ANS: D.Creativity

8 _____ formalized the politics of sphere of influence and colonialism of Africa by European imperialists
ANS: A.Berlin conference

9 Nuclear submarine was invented in _____
ANS: B.1955

10 What period featured the development of field artillery, battalions, infantry drill etc
ANS: D.Renaissance period

11 The Programme of Action Conference on Human Rights called Vienna Declaration was adopted in the year ____
ANS: D.1993

12 What does the phrase "nolle creminensine lege" means in the philosophy International Criminal Law Acts
ANS: C.No crime without law

13 Which of the following is the basic principles of International humanitarian law
ANS: A.Principles of humanity

14 Any serious violation of law applicable to both intra state and international armed conflicts is called ------
ANS: A.War crime

15 A situation whereby jingoistic spirit is fostered among the people in a given society is referred to as ------
ANS: C.Militarism

16 An act or ability of "repairing" relationships, institutions and social facilities and putting in place schemes that can help the disputing communities to be united one again is known as _____
ANS: D.Peace building

17 A more associated event with peace keeping which often focusing more on demobilization and re-integration programmes and immediate reconstruction needs is called _____ peace building
ANS: A.Post-conflict

18 Which of the following is not among the roles played by peacebuilding?
ANS: A.Acquisition of arms and ammunitions

19 What does the acronym UNTAG stands for?
ANS: D.United Nations Transitional Assistance Group

20 UNTAG made a notable and huge success in the empowerment of _____ in political decision making and political participation in Namibia.
ANS: C.Women
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Sunday, 20 March 2016


It's been a while I have been posting articles. Time has been the challenge but out of no time, I should create one.

Tonight, I will be sharing something with you based on my own experience. Although, I am not currently in a committed relationship for over many years now and I don't even want to but am also basing this off of my parents' experience as well.

Now, let's get some things clear, "dating" and "being in a relationship" are both about getting to know the person. But it is very different when you are casually dating versus when you are in a committed relationship. Many of us don't know that these two concepts are two different things, I mean, they mean different things.

When you are casually dating, you are focused on the "here and now." You're learning about the other person's personality, whether you are having fun, what you are doing together, and whether you want to see this person again in the nearby future. Dating is a part of the human marital race in which two different personality meet socially for companionship, beyond the level of friendship, I mean, "BEYOND THE LEVEL OF FRIENDSHIP" or with the sole aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a partner in an intimate relationship or marriage.

Sometimes ago, probably last year, I publish an article I tiled "The Difference between Dating and Courtship" you can get the write-up at It can be a form of courtship consisting of social activities done by the couples.

Some people who casually date are into the hook-up scene. If two people hook-up right away, the chances of a relationship developing could diminish. But it all depends on intention: does either person want to be "exclusive" or "committed"? If only one person wants a commitment, then in all likelihood somebody will end things - either because someone wants somebody who will commit, or someone wants to avoid the commitment.

But if two people are dating and enjoying each other's company, and both are thinking of being more exclusive, then eventually they will have "the talk": Will you be my boyfriend/girlfriend/etc.?

So what happens when you are in a relationship? You make the time and the effort to see each other. Even if you two live far away, you set plans, and you commit to them. You laugh. You cry. You share all your weird quirks, all your vulnerabilities, your family, your friends, everything. The more you share, and the more time you spend together, you are always considering: "Do I want to spend my time, my effort, my life with this person?"

Sooner or later, you two will fight. Some fights are small fights, some fights are big fights. The fights are the most important factor in whether a relationship will last or not.

Do you know Why?

Firstly, it's only healthy for a couple to fight every once in a while. You need to air your grievances. It's not healthy to bottle them up. But how you two fight will determine whether your relationship is strong enough to last.

Do you two yell or Cuss? Insult each other? Blame fault on the other? you state the problem? Explain how you are feeling? Are you willing to apologize for where you have wronged, and as willingly able to forgive your partner? Fighting issues together rather than against each other brings you two even closer together.

Two people causally dating are most likely not ready to handle problems and arguments in a way that can strengthen their bond, although if they can it may help them realize how strong they are together.

I want to say this, early dating should be fun though. It's the rare chance to open up and be with each other in a way that is relatively stress-free and enjoyable, without any strings attached.

Like we all know, relationships grow with time, and with time require a renewed sense of commitment, love, trust, and intimacy, or they can wither and die. Too many fights that tear a couple apart are toxic to the very nature of the relationship.

As a round off note and advise,

"A person should stand by his/her partner, not against."

I have not changed....

I have a name.....

I am yet to find one with the combination...

Call me.....

Rauf Kazeem Isaac
(C) March, 2016
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Saturday, 19 March 2016






(1)- ababacadcbbcddccdbdb
(3)- ccdcabbdbccdadcdcadb
(4)- bbbcadaccdcabccbdccb


(1)- dbbcbadcabbcaadddcad
(2)- badabdaaacbacdcccabd
(3)- ccadbbaccddadcabcada
(4)- bbbcaaccbbdcaddbbaba


(1)- bcdaabaacbacdbaadacb
(2)- dacbacbdcaabccadacbcc
(3)- ccabaabcdbbcadacbdac
(4)- badcacbbadcbadacbbdc


(1)- dcdabdaadcdadbcbcdbd
(2)- aacbccbcabdcdcdaacbc
(3)- ccdddbacacaacdaccadb
(4)- addbacddabbcdccbbddc


(1)- bbcaaabcdcdaccabdbac
(2)- aadadcbabaacadddcbba
(3)- bdcbbcabbbdddcbcdcbb
(4)- bdacbdcbccbdacbacabc




(1)- aaabcdcdadccacbabadc
(2)- badaaabddacacabbbdaa
(3)- ababbccdcaacacddddad
(4)- dddadaabadbdcbadcdaa


(1)- bbdabaabbdabcabdcbbc
(2)- abdabdcbbacaaabbacbb
(3)- cabbbdbcaacbdbdbadba
(4)- bbaababbbbdacabdadab

Check back...... More are still coming......
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Friday, 18 March 2016

GST 107 NOUN TMA Solution

GST 107 NOUN TMA Solution

Tma1 Gst107
1) C




Scored is 10.0/ 9.50./9.50./9.0

Thank you...... Check back for more TMAs.....
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Thank you......

Rauf Kazeem Isaac
The President.

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Wednesday, 16 March 2016

NOUN SMS209 TMA Solution

SMS 209 [Introduction To Finance] TMA Solution.

Note- This is TMA 2
Score: 10

1 ________ is the person responsible for performing finance functions In a modern firm

Answer: Financial Manager

2 The finance function to staff and departments will be dependent upon the size and _______of the business organisation.

Answer: magnitude

3 According to Pandey (2005), summarised profit maximization limitations are the following except______

Answer: It reduces risk

4 ________ is a business concern owned by one person who often is also engaged actively in the running of the business.

Answer: Sole proprietorship

5 The market value assessment of the appropriate prices of a business is considered as one of the following except______

Answer: Projected income

6 A __________is a legal relationship between two or more persons where each person contributes something in order to carry on a lawful business with a view of profit which is to be shared in a proportion agreed upon by them.

Answer: Partnership

7 Finance decisions influence all of the following except_______

Answer: Productivity

8 The following are the essential features of a partnership except_______

Answer: Partnership is separated from the partners

9 ________shows the present statement of a business and the financial condition of an accounting entity as at a particular point in time.

Answer: Balance sheet

10 The following are some of the various types of preference shares except_____

Answer: Non convertible preference shares

11 Cash management is concerned with the managing of the following except________

Answer: None of the above

12 The following are the motives for holding cash except_______

Answer: Budgetary motive

13 ________is an artificial creature, invisible, intangible, and existing only in contemplation of law. As a legal (artificial) person, it is separate from the owners. It can enter into a contract, sue and be sued in its name.

Answer: limited liability company

14 _______allows for dividend payment to be deferred if a firm does not make adequate profit to pay such dividend.

Answer: Cumulative preference shares

15 The Memorandum of Association of a company must contain the following information except_____-

Answer: address of the company and the reason why it is in existence

16 The following are the main components of working capital management except______

Answer: Fixed income

17 The short-term liabilities of a firm includes all of the following except______

Answer: Lendings

18 The ________is the market that serves as an intermediary between fund-raisers and suppliers of capital

Answer: NSE

19 _________is the management of current or short-term assets and short-term liabilities of a firm

Answer: Working Capital

20 The Financial Manager's roles are all of the following except_____

Answer: Working Capital
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NOUN GST 203 TMA Solution

GST 203 [Introduction To Philosophy And Logic] TMA Solution.

Score: 10

1 Despite the breaking away of natural and social sciences, does philosophy still remain the parent discipline of other discipline? _____

Answer: Yes

2 Etymologically, philosophy means _____

Answer: love of wisdom

3 ____ is the study of the method and principles used in distinguishing correct from incorrect reasoning

Answer: logic

4 An argument in which the premises do not lead to conclusion and certainty and is based on probabiltiy is called _____

Answer: inductive

5 ______ is the study of the first principle or ultimate reality

Answer: metaphysics

6 The coinage of the word metaphysics can be credited to _____

Answer: andronides

7 The branch of philosophy which deals with the theory of knowledge is called

Answer: epistemology

8 The questions "what is mind" Does God exist" can be linked to branch of philosophy called

Answer: metaphysics

9 Which of these statement is having problem

Answer: You can say you know something you are not sure of

10 The statement in option _______ is false

Answer: knowledge is subjective, non communicable and non-verifiable

11 The relationship and difference between knowledge, opinion and belief depend on the person's ________

Answer: position

12 When a philosopher possess information that is beyond doubt, we can use the term ______

Answer: know

13 If we know X, all the following are correct except __________

Answer: X must have counter evidence

14 From the understanding of a layman_____ is the general theory or principle about how we ought to conduct our lives

Answer: philosophy

15 The origin of philosophy can be traced to the _____

Answer: Ancient Greek

16 The first man to make a standard comment about the nature and definition of philosophy was ____

Answer: Pythagoras

17 ____ was credited with the prediction of the eclipse of 585 B.C.

Answer: Thales

18 _____ made an ingenious guess that man was originally born from animals of another species

Answer: Anaximander

19 Once upon a time, philosophy was pregnant and gave birth to many children. _____ is the oldest child of philosophy

Answer: Science

20 The statement that philosophy is the first and the last science can be credited to _____

Answer: Aristotle

Score: 10

1 Which of these aspect of knowledge is not intereseted in the ontic but in the ontelogical questions

Answer: Ethic

2 An average scientist always seek for explanation while the philosopher basically seek for ______

Answer: justification

3 Which of the following is not a source of knowledge

Answer: intuition

4 The theory which believes that human beings can acquire knowledge of reality by the use of mind or pure reason is called____

Answer: rationalism

5 All the following are part of logical processes except____

Answer: digitizing

6 Which of these list is not a conclusion-indicator

Answer: because

7 Etymologically, philosophy means _____

Answer: love of wisdom

8 A logical proposition is valid only when it can both be _________ and _________

Answer: denied and asserted

9 ____ argument is the argument that involves general to specific

Answer: deductive

10 An argument in which the premises do not lead to conclusion and certainty and is based on probabiltiy is called _____

Answer: inductive

11 Talking about the source of knowledge, which of these is out of place

Answer: mysticism

12 Which of these is associated with the rationalist

Answer: reason

13 Who among the earliest philosopher described man as a rational animal

Answer: Aristotle

14 Perceptual experience is not sufficient to acquire knowledge except with _______

Answer: reason

15 _________ is considered as the prima -matrix of human knowledge

Answer: reason

16 Who are primary proponent of sense experience

Answer: empiricists

17 The questions "what is mind" Does God exist" can be linked to branch of philosophy called

Answer: metaphysics

18 The questions such as "what is the relation between knowledge and reality" Is human mind capable of knowing? Are most likely from

Answer: epistemology

19 Which of these components of philosophy deals with the study of morality of human action in society

Answer: ethic

20 The assertion "The only thing I know is that I know nothing" can be credited to _____

Answer: Socrates

Score: 10

1 The word "Magister dixit" simply mean__________

Answer: Master said

2 _________ can be described as "immediacy of apprehension"

Answer: intuition

3 Deductive argument is valid if only if ______

Answer: all the options

4 An argument whose premises is true while its conclusion is false could be said to be ______

Answer: invalid

5 ______ is the name we give to the way awareness apprehends when awareness apprehends appearance directly

Answer: intuition

6 if I say I know "X" but "X" is not true, my statement is therefore_______

Answer: self contradicting

7 Philosophy is different from religion because ______

Answer: it often questions the assumptions of religion

8 Philosopher says he "knows" somebody only when ______

Answer: he/she possessed sufficient information about the person

9 The term " simple apprehension, judgement, reasoning and argument" constitute what is called

Answer: logical processes

10 In philosophy, authority is the ______ of knowledge

Answer: source

11 ______ can be seen as a pre-condition for knowledge

Answer: belief

12 According to Balm (1995:5), "intuition" is ______

Answer: immediacy of apprehension

13 Of the following, _____ is not a source of knowledge

Answer: internet

14 _________ is the act by which the mind forms the concept of something without affirming or denying anything about it

Answer: simple apprehension

15 Mathematics is to the science, ______ is to philosophy

Answer: logic

16 In logic, to infer means ______

Answer: to derive a conclusion of an argument from the premises of that argument

17 The premise in the statement "As soon as Dr. Ofotokun comes, he marks his scripts" is _______

Answer: "Dr Ofotokun comes"

18 ________ can be refered to as the Queen of all subjects acording to Otakpor

Answer: Logic

19 Syllogism is an argument, which contains ______ propositions, two of which are called the premise and the conclusion

Answer: three

20 Inductive argument proceeds from the experienced to the ______

Answer: inexperienced

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