Thursday, 14 January 2016


Like I said, I am back and better with wonderful and lovely packages.

Many people have been asking and telling me, you are talented in writing, and while some were asking how do you or where do you get all this info you post.

And after this article, I'll be sharing with you my experience in Planet MARS.

Tonight, I want share you the secret which I titled:


Reading and writing are two complementary skills in language. Writers have a reading audience in mind. Today's world needs thinkers who can clearly document their thoughts in writing. Writing is one sure way of transmitting information, so that little or nothing is lost in the process. That is why Moses wrote God's instructions. The messages of Jesus, the prophets, the activities of the apostles, the epistles to the churches were all written. This is what gave birth to what we now have as the Holy Bible.

Writing has preserved the messages and kept them potent. The pungency of the teachings and instructions have remained till this time. Writing is an age-long activity. God pioneered it. He wrote The Ten Commandments. He instructed all His ministers to write. Therefore as a child of God, writing is a vocation backed by God. It is one skill God blesses His children with.

Anyone who discovers and develops the skill of writing will definitely do great exploits with it.

Someone said this to me sometimes "The gift of writing is a priceless gem in the hands of the possessor. When adequately explored, writing skill can bring one to stand before kings."

With my writing skills, truly, I have stood before kings, dine with them and I am still standing before them.

Indeed, a writer's work usually travels farther than the writer.

Let me quickly take you through three mighty and cogent points.

1. The Portrait and Personality of the Envisioned Writer:
The bible is replete with people whose writings are examples of good writing. A study of these people shows that writing is a product of inspiration. As a person who desires to write for spiritual, academic or literary purposes, good inspiration must be drawn from God. God is the source, spring and supplier of good inspiration. Therefore, it is important to acknowledge God first. A sinner cannot depend on God for inspiration. He must first establish a working relationship with God before he can be given the privilege to write pieces than can influence the world positively. Paul was only known as a writer when he answered God's call. Peter became a writer having left all and followed Christ. All the knowledge Moses acquired in Egypt would have been a waste if he had not met God. He must have learnt the art of writing during his tutelage in the palace. However, this knowledge only became profitable to him and the world at large when he obeyed God's call. Therefore, a sinner must obey God's call to repentance before he can really do anything profitable with the skill of writing.
Apart from access to the source of good inspiration, there are some requisite personal qualities that a writer must have. Other sources and contemporary writers possess these qualities. Some of these characters/qualities include:

As a writer, you must be:

+ Meek
+ Dedicated
+ Dutiful
+ Patient
+ Heavin
+ Judicious
+ Listening

Another mighty and cogent point is:

2. The Principles and Practice of Effortless Writing: Writing skill is innate. However, it can be learnt. Albeit, innate or learnt, it is important to develop one's writing skill. This will in turn guarantee maximum utilization and untold benefits. There are many styles or techniques of writing as there are writers. Except one has fully explored and exploited the activity of writing, one cannot really evolve his own style that marks one out. Notwithstanding, some basic principles in writing are:

+ Be a master of the language
+ Be cautious to use the right words
+ Be a voracious reader
+ Be a ready writer
+ Be open-minded (to commendations, contributions and criticisms)
+ Be a diligent researcher
+ Be prompt

Practicing writing requires a lot of effort, time and courage. The following steps can help:

+ Prepare a rough draft
+ Re-draft and read (first drafts are usually craps)
+ Cross-check and correct your errors (cross out the unnecessary words and ideas)
+ Write a neat copy and send it for editing and proof-reading
+ Read through the corrected work and rework as appropriate
+ Write the final copy
+ Accept comments, contributions and criticisms in good fate

To conclude, let's see the final cogent poins which says:

3. The Pattern and Profits of Effective Writing: To be an all-time effective writer, it is important to grow through certain developmental phases. No write-up is totally perfect. To do it right, always keep your readers in mind. Use the language they understand. COMMUNICATE. Study the situation and make your writing fit. Keep the sentences simple. Long sentences are sometimes confusing and ambiguous. Don't mind me, although mine is always long... Good write-ups often contain relevant illustrations and stories. Sometimes, a chat or picture says it all. These days, writers sum up their thoughts in witty sayings. A writer can coin one or use somebody's own. In descriptions, clear and vivid adjectives are helpful. Engaging in editing, proofreading, peer review works on other people's works can make a writer better. This shows the how not's. Here are a few tips for further help:

+ Learn to use an outline (breakdown the topic in bits)
+ Study the works of good and successful writers and learn from them
+ Join a profitable writing group
+ Attend writing workshops and trainings
+ Be a consistent reader and writer
+ Depend on inspiration but write freely
+ Attempt higher tasks

The benefits of good writing spread across spiritual, academic, social and financial spheres of life. Many have dined and wined with princes and kings, because of their dexterity in handling the pen.

However, if ever a work is thrown out, it is an avenue to make it better. Professors have their papers thrown out too! It takes a dogged will to pick up the papers, dust them and rework them. Only that makes one a better writer. Writing is an art that must be practiced.

Thank You, I am:

Rauf Kazeem Isaac (esq)
(C) January, 2016
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

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