Friday, 22 January 2016


I have come, but to give unto you information, principles that will guide you.

This time around, not academics, not spiritual, but in marital of which has a title named:


A miscarriage, also called a spontaneous abortion, is the spontaneous ending of a pregnancy. It is not uncommon for women to have one miscarriage, as approximately two out of every ten pregnancies will result in miscarriage.

A miscarriage is most likely to occur within the first three months of pregnancy, before 20 weeks gestation. Only one percent of miscarriages occur after 20 weeks gestation. These are referred to as late miscarriages.

Usually women who have had one miscarriage go on to have a healthy pregnancy. However there are a few women that will continue to have two, three or more miscarriages.

According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, only about one percent of women will have three consecutive miscarriages or more.

Multiple or recurrent miscarriages is diagnosed when a woman has had two or three miscarriages in a row. Women who have had multiple miscarriages, will most probably be referred to a gynaecologist.

Having multiple miscarriages can be a devastating and painful experience for women who suffer from this condition.

Now, I want to ask, what are the symptoms of a miscarriage? Symptoms of a miscarriage often include:

(1) Bleeding that progresses from light to heavy

(2) Cramps

(3) Abdominal pain

(4) Low back ache that may range from mild to severe

If you are pregnant and are experiencing the symptoms listed above, go to a hospital or health center immediately.

Now, another question is why do some women have multiple miscarriages?

Sometimes it might be hard for doctors or experts to understand why some women have multiple miscarriages. Studies are always being carried out to ascertain why this happens. While some conditions are known to lead to miscarriage, others have been linked to it although it's not fully understood how or why they may play a part.

The following conditions are thought to cause miscarriages:

(1) Genetic problems. About half of all miscarriages that occur in the first trimester are caused by chromosomal abnormalities which might be hereditary or spontaneous in the father's sperm or the mother's egg.

(2) Exposure to environmental and workplace hazards such as high levels of radiation or toxic agents.

(3) Lifestyle factors such as smoking, drinking alcohol, or using illegal drugs

(4) Problems with the uterus. If the uterus has an abnormal shape, fibroids or incompetent cervix (The cervix begins to widen and open too early, in the middle of pregnancy, without signs of pain or labour.)

(5) Hormonal irregularities. Some conditions, such as polycystic ovaries have been linked to recurrent miscarriage. But, as yet, it's not fully understood why they are linked and how well treatments work.

(5) Maternal age. Studies have shown that the risk of miscarriage is 12 percent to 15 percent for women in their 20s and rises to about 25 percent for women at age 40.

A study published last year suggests that women who are 'super-fertile' may have multiple miscarriages.

Although, there are some unknown causes. Many couples do not find the cause of their multiple miscarriages. And because it is possible to have different causes for each miscarriage, it may not be possible to discover a pattern for a woman's miscarriages. While having multiple miscarriages may leave you feeling hopeless. You should note that many women who experience multiple miscarriages do go on to have a baby. This is especially the case if your losses were a result of chance.

Have you been affected by single or multiple miscarriages? Or do you have or know anyone who is suffering or affected by multiple or single miscarriages? How have you or they been able to cope with it?
If yes, share your experience or let them share their experience with a the counselor through


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I am the unbeatable and unconquerable person, named:

Rauf Kazeem Isaac
(C) January, 2016
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

Friday, 15 January 2016


It's not a new thing anymore, because you know, I'll surely send an article every blessed day.

As promised yesterday, tonight, I'll be examining a topic which I titled:


This article isn't restricted to students alone. Except you are deaf and dumb, then you are exempted. Everybody listens but not in the right approach, and I believe this article will give you a good orientation and enhance your listening skill.

Listening is a process by which sounds emitted by some sources are received by a listener, interpreted and acted upon. Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process.

Listening is key to all effective communication. Without the ability to listen effectively, messages are easily misunderstood, there would be communication break down and the sender of the message would be frustrated or disappointed.

In the Bible days, Noah must have been an effective listener who got all the details God gave him concerning the ark of safety he was asked to build. He did a perfect job. In the same vein, Joshua listened to and heard all that he was told concerning the pulling down of the walls of Jericho.

Listening is so important that today, many top employers provide listening skills training for their employees. Listening requires focus, it means paying attention not only to the story, but how it is told, the use of language and voice. Ability to listen effectively depends on the degree to which one perceives and understands both verbal and non-verbal messages.

On the other hand, when we listens, there is need for note-taking, which refers to notes taken from listening to a lecture or talk. The ability to take good notes is an important skill that a everybody will need in all aspects of his or her studies. It is an essential part of studying because it actively involves the student in the learning process and therefore helps him to concentrate better.

Note taking involves listening to lecture or seminar, etc. analyzing and grasping the overall structure of the instruction being listened to. Moreover, the listener painstakingly sieves out main ideas or important details of the lecture into his note, which he uses at a later time to bring the content vividly back to mind. Luke the physician who wrote the Luke's gospel gave a detailed account of all he heard and saw.

Take a look at this:

1. Principles of Effective Listening
Listening is a complex activity and effective listening takes effort. It requires maximum thinking power. Effective listening does not just happen; it takes thought- and thinking can be hard work. There are some principles that must be followed for one to be an effective listener.
These are:
+ Stop talking and listen when somebody else is talking.
+ Listen to what they are saying, do not interrupt, talk over them or finish their sentences for them.
+ Just listen.
+ Prepare yourself to listen - relax, focus on the speaker, put other things out of mind and concentrate on the messages that are being communicated.
+ Put the speaker at ease - help the speaker to feel free to speak. Maintain eye contact but don't stare - show you are listening and understanding what is being said.
+ Remove Distractions - Focus on what is being said, don't doodle, shuffle papers, look out the window, pick your fingernails, etc. avoid unnecessary interruptions. These behaviours disrupt the listening process and send messages to the speaker that you are distracted.
+ Empathize - Try to understand the other person's point of view. Have an open mind so you can fully empathize with the speaker. If the speaker says something that you disagree with, keep an open mind to his views and opinions.
+ Be Patient - Be Patient and let the speaker continue in their own time. Never interrupt or finish a sentence for someone.
+ Avoid Personal Prejudice – try to be impartial. Don't become irritated and don't let the person's habits or mannerisms distract you from what the speaker is saying. Focus on what is being said and try to ignore styles of delivery.
+ Listen to the tone - volume and tone both add to what someone is saying. A good speaker will use both volume and time to their advantage to keep an audience attentive.
+ Listen for ideas - not just words. You need to get the whole picture, not just isolated bits and pieces. One of the most difficult aspects of listening is the ability to link together pieces of information to reveal the ideas of others.
+ Establish eye contact with the speaker - Studies show that the eye contact you have with the speaker help you to listen better.
+ Don't tune out "dry" subjects - Whenever you are tempted to tune out" something because you think it will be boring or useless, remember that you cannot evaluate the importance of the message until you have heard it.
+ Wait and watch for non-verbal communication. Gestures, facial expressions and eye-movement are all important. Watch and pick up the additional information being transmitted via non-verbal communication.
+ Exercise your listening muscles – listening takes practice. Be exposed to challenging material and difficult listening situations which will stretch your ability and build your listening muscles.
+ Follow the Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Be the kind of listener you want others to be when you are talking. That is how to be an effective listener.

Another point is:
2. Practice and Methods of Effective Note-taking
The practice of effective note-taking involves the following:
+ Maintain a written record. Set down a written record for each of your classes. This is important as study shows that forgetting begins almost immediately.
+ Sit where you will be seen. There is a common saying that the farther away a student sits in the class, the lower the grade.
+ Read in advance. To be a good note taker, read ahead after class especially the assigned reading.
+ Make systematic note. Do systematic note taking so that you can effectively and efficiently review for the examination.
+ Be alert for signals of importance. Be alert to "signals" that the teacher/lecturer give to indicate that certain materials are important. This helps for later study and review.
+ Write down examples. Examples given by the teacher helps to understand complex, abstract forms and concepts.
+ Write down details that connect or explain. Students soon forget points when less attention is paid to some details.
+ Take note during discussions even to the end of the class so as not to miss important summaries and conclusion. Keywords and important details should be underlined and circled.
+ Lay out notes from a lecture in a clear and logical manner. This will help to recall the material more easily.
The use of abbreviations and symbols are necessary tools in note taking. It saves considerable time, which is particularly valuable in note-taking.
+ Review your note soon after the class when ideas are still fresh in your mind then ensure your notes are clearer as far as possible before forgetting sets in.

After considering the Practices of Note taking, there is need to kno or be aware of the methods and models of note –taking
There are so many different methods of note-taking. We shall consider a few of them.
+ Key word methodology – no attempt to write everything down. Only key ideas or main points are taken note of and are written down, circled or underlined as the effective listener focuses on the speaker
+ Skeleton prose- This is the most common form of note taking Notes are structured as a sequence of numbered points and paragraphs with heading and indentations, a little like an essay plan.
+ Cornel note taking method – a note taking method devised for Cornel University students in U.S.A and has been in use everywhere. It is useful for taking notes from lectures. It ensures active engagement with the materials and it aids recall. It can be very useful when it comes to preparing and revising for exams.
Process of Cornel note – taking method: The students get a large notebook rule off a section at the bottom of each page to create a 'summary' space. Then divide each page into two vertical columns; the left – hand column should be one third of the page wide and the right hand column two thirds. Label each left – hand column KEY Words/ QUESTIONS; each right – hand column 'NOTES' and each space at the bottom 'SUMMARY' record your notes as the lecture is on and read through your notes at end of lecture, summarize the main points in the space for summary, note the key words or ideas and formulate questions.
+ Spidergram and mind maps – These are note taking methods or means of presenting and connecting ideas in a diagram form. To create spidergram or mind map, start in the centre of a page with an idea or heading representing a main idea or central theme. Create branches out from the central idea. Each branch is to represent a sub–theme or topic and each sub–theme can be sub divided as required. You can draw diagrams, pictures, maps and graphs instead of describing the ideas in words.

Finally, the last points is:
3. Profits/Benefits of Effective Listening and Note-Taking
Good listening skills can lead to greater productivity with fewer mistakes, increased sharing of information that can lead to more creative and innovative work. Had Joshua not listened attentively to the instruction given and passed the same to the priests and the people, the walls of Jericho would not have fallen. Good and effective listening skills also have lots of benefits for us students.

Among these are improved self-esteem and confidence, higher grades at school and in academic work; and better health and general well-being. Studies have shown that, whereas speaking raises blood pressure, listening brings it down.

Note–taking provides students with an invaluable written record of important details of a lecture, with a written record one can easily recall or with materials that could have been forgotten.

Note taking affords students a permanent record for revisional purposes. It helps to show some relationship between different ideas from different sources. Taking notes during lectures is an essential part of studying because it involves students in the learning process and therefore helps them to concentrate much better.

Finally many successful leaders and entrepreneurs credit their success to effective listening skills. And most high scorers at school attributes some of their successes to their ability to take notes, read and master the notes in addition to other materials. These are skills that underpin all positive human relationship.

So, develop your listening and note-taking skills – they are the building blocks of success.

I am me, I am I, No one can be Me, I am:

Rauf Kazeem Isaac
(C) January, 2016
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

Thursday, 14 January 2016


Like I said, I am back and better with wonderful and lovely packages.

Many people have been asking and telling me, you are talented in writing, and while some were asking how do you or where do you get all this info you post.

And after this article, I'll be sharing with you my experience in Planet MARS.

Tonight, I want share you the secret which I titled:


Reading and writing are two complementary skills in language. Writers have a reading audience in mind. Today's world needs thinkers who can clearly document their thoughts in writing. Writing is one sure way of transmitting information, so that little or nothing is lost in the process. That is why Moses wrote God's instructions. The messages of Jesus, the prophets, the activities of the apostles, the epistles to the churches were all written. This is what gave birth to what we now have as the Holy Bible.

Writing has preserved the messages and kept them potent. The pungency of the teachings and instructions have remained till this time. Writing is an age-long activity. God pioneered it. He wrote The Ten Commandments. He instructed all His ministers to write. Therefore as a child of God, writing is a vocation backed by God. It is one skill God blesses His children with.

Anyone who discovers and develops the skill of writing will definitely do great exploits with it.

Someone said this to me sometimes "The gift of writing is a priceless gem in the hands of the possessor. When adequately explored, writing skill can bring one to stand before kings."

With my writing skills, truly, I have stood before kings, dine with them and I am still standing before them.

Indeed, a writer's work usually travels farther than the writer.

Let me quickly take you through three mighty and cogent points.

1. The Portrait and Personality of the Envisioned Writer:
The bible is replete with people whose writings are examples of good writing. A study of these people shows that writing is a product of inspiration. As a person who desires to write for spiritual, academic or literary purposes, good inspiration must be drawn from God. God is the source, spring and supplier of good inspiration. Therefore, it is important to acknowledge God first. A sinner cannot depend on God for inspiration. He must first establish a working relationship with God before he can be given the privilege to write pieces than can influence the world positively. Paul was only known as a writer when he answered God's call. Peter became a writer having left all and followed Christ. All the knowledge Moses acquired in Egypt would have been a waste if he had not met God. He must have learnt the art of writing during his tutelage in the palace. However, this knowledge only became profitable to him and the world at large when he obeyed God's call. Therefore, a sinner must obey God's call to repentance before he can really do anything profitable with the skill of writing.
Apart from access to the source of good inspiration, there are some requisite personal qualities that a writer must have. Other sources and contemporary writers possess these qualities. Some of these characters/qualities include:

As a writer, you must be:

+ Meek
+ Dedicated
+ Dutiful
+ Patient
+ Heavin
+ Judicious
+ Listening

Another mighty and cogent point is:

2. The Principles and Practice of Effortless Writing: Writing skill is innate. However, it can be learnt. Albeit, innate or learnt, it is important to develop one's writing skill. This will in turn guarantee maximum utilization and untold benefits. There are many styles or techniques of writing as there are writers. Except one has fully explored and exploited the activity of writing, one cannot really evolve his own style that marks one out. Notwithstanding, some basic principles in writing are:

+ Be a master of the language
+ Be cautious to use the right words
+ Be a voracious reader
+ Be a ready writer
+ Be open-minded (to commendations, contributions and criticisms)
+ Be a diligent researcher
+ Be prompt

Practicing writing requires a lot of effort, time and courage. The following steps can help:

+ Prepare a rough draft
+ Re-draft and read (first drafts are usually craps)
+ Cross-check and correct your errors (cross out the unnecessary words and ideas)
+ Write a neat copy and send it for editing and proof-reading
+ Read through the corrected work and rework as appropriate
+ Write the final copy
+ Accept comments, contributions and criticisms in good fate

To conclude, let's see the final cogent poins which says:

3. The Pattern and Profits of Effective Writing: To be an all-time effective writer, it is important to grow through certain developmental phases. No write-up is totally perfect. To do it right, always keep your readers in mind. Use the language they understand. COMMUNICATE. Study the situation and make your writing fit. Keep the sentences simple. Long sentences are sometimes confusing and ambiguous. Don't mind me, although mine is always long... Good write-ups often contain relevant illustrations and stories. Sometimes, a chat or picture says it all. These days, writers sum up their thoughts in witty sayings. A writer can coin one or use somebody's own. In descriptions, clear and vivid adjectives are helpful. Engaging in editing, proofreading, peer review works on other people's works can make a writer better. This shows the how not's. Here are a few tips for further help:

+ Learn to use an outline (breakdown the topic in bits)
+ Study the works of good and successful writers and learn from them
+ Join a profitable writing group
+ Attend writing workshops and trainings
+ Be a consistent reader and writer
+ Depend on inspiration but write freely
+ Attempt higher tasks

The benefits of good writing spread across spiritual, academic, social and financial spheres of life. Many have dined and wined with princes and kings, because of their dexterity in handling the pen.

However, if ever a work is thrown out, it is an avenue to make it better. Professors have their papers thrown out too! It takes a dogged will to pick up the papers, dust them and rework them. Only that makes one a better writer. Writing is an art that must be practiced.

Thank You, I am:

Rauf Kazeem Isaac (esq)
(C) January, 2016
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


I am always happy and find joy in writing, speaking and talking. It's my hobby though and I thank God for that.

To my previous article titled DEVELOPING WRITING SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES, I have a follow up article that will enhance it which I call:


Like we all know, learning is the activity or process of gaining knowledge or skill by studying, practicing, being taught, or experiencing something. Learning could also be described as the act or experience of one that learns. It is also knowledge or skill acquired by instruction or study. Reading on the other hand is intellectual process involving letter identification, word identification, mentally and simultaneously. Reading can also be seen as a complex cognitive process of decoding symbols in order to construct or derive meaning.

Reading experts have discovered that there is a correlation between comprehension and reading speed, since improving physical aspect of reading is crucial to improving speed and comprehension, the reader needs to learn new Motor Skill in developing visual activity and perception. Such include increasing the recognition span, developing rhythmic eye movement and avoiding regression and vocalization.

God almighty has deposited in us everything needed to succeed in life. Ours is just to "give "attendance to reading to exhortation, to doctrine. Neglect not the gift that is in thee" (1 Timothy 4:13,14).

For explicit sake, I have broken down tonight's topic into three major cogent titles:

Many people recognize that each person prefers different learning styles and techniques. Learning styles refers to common ways that people learn. Everyone has a mix of learning styles. Some people may find that they have a dominant style of learning, with far less use of the other styles. Others may find that they use different styles in different circumstances. There is no right mix. Nor are your styles fixed. You can develop ability in less dominant styles as well as further develop styles that you already use well.

If you have a solitary style of learning, you are more private, introspective and independent. You can concentrate well, focusing your thoughts and feelings on your current topic. You are aware of your own thinking, and you may analyze the different ways you think and feel. You spend time on self-analysis, and often reflect on past events and the way you approached them. You take time to ponder and assess your own accomplishments or challenges. You may keep a journal, diary or personal log to record your personal thoughts and events. It should be noted however that distractions must be avoided completely during learning irrespective of the learning method.

The basic strategy for a successful reading is the common and popular formula referred to as the SQ3R formula. This technique involves five (5) steps:
Let's quickly look into it

S – Survey
Q- Question
R- Reading
R- Recall
R- Review

Let me explain briefly:

Step 1:
Survey: Before the commencement of reading or studying, it is expected that one looks through the whole of the material to be read e.g. the title, preface, table of contents

Step 2:
Question: The reader will be expected to formulate some specific questions that will relate the heading and sub-heading of the materials

Step 3:
Read: This means reading carefully, actively and critically applying the techniques that enable one to read with increased eye span and mastery of objects

Step 4:
Recall: study reading involves more than simply reading very carefully and with concentration. It includes testing, organizing, relating concepts and facts, mastery technical terms and formula, outlining, summarizing and reviewing.

Step 5:
Review: This aspect includes surveying the whole materials again, making sure of the structure and organization of the materials it involves re-identifying of the major ideas and important details, re-reading sections that have been noted or underlined, recalling materials in a sequence and reviewing note.
If all these steps are strictly adhered to, there will be improvement in the your leaning and reading skills

Many people's problem of learning and reading have been attributed to lack of understanding and adapting good learning and reading skills.

Below are some tips on developing a good and reading skill:
+ Prepare for reading
+ Be specific on what you want to read
+ Find a place where you can concentrate
+ Schedule a routine time to read
+ Implement the basics of reading in the cogent No.2 above
* Survey -
* Question -
* Read – read the pages carefully. Do not rush, take your time
* Recall – go through the details to comprehend the text as you read it
* Review – glance through the book (material) again to ensure you have full understanding of its content
+ Advance your reading skills

Read as much as you are able to each time you read. Take a break when you are bored or need a break. Reading should be fun and enjoyable. After your break, return where you stopped and continue

Re-read the material if required. It is not wrong to re-read if you do not understand it fully the first time
Keep reading. Try to read as much as you can on your reading and free time. Reading will help you in lots of ways; your understanding will be improved, your vocabulary will become better and more standard, above all you will notice your grades change for better in school, that is; better academic performance.

I want to encourage you to cultivate a consistent habit of learning and reading ahead of tests, examinations, etc. to achieve improved academic performance. You also need to read the Bible regularly using these principles for a better understanding of the scriptures.

Coming next is:
Effective Listening And Note-Taking Method

If you have any question, feel free to consult the Academic/Career Life Coach @ 08131388834

Thank you
I remain

Rauf Kazeem Isaac
(C) January, 2016
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

Tuesday, 5 January 2016


By Rauf Kazeem Isaac




●ELASTICITY: Hooke's law, experimental verification of hooke's law.

●POSITION AND SCALAR: Vector representation, use of force board to determine the resultanat of two forces.










●NUCLEAR PHYSICS :Radioactivity, Alpha properties, Beta properties & Gamma properties, Isotopes, Nuclear reactions, application of radioactivity..
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


I am proud to be a NOUNite. I have come to realize that NOUN as an institution of Higher Learning is of no doubt transforming the educational system in/of Nigeria. It is indeed "quality education with flexibility in an affordable rate".

NOUN students are digital students having access to the largest library in the world (Internet), millions of e-books for consultation, research and study online. Virtually all students are or will definitely be computer literate, who can/will compete electronically and digitally anywhere in the globe.

The most fascinating and digital thing about the institution is that, outside the school, academic and social right that students have in making decisions in regards to what to study, where to study, when to study and how to study, students also have their personal edu portal, where all their informations are display and they can visit simultaneously (same anytime, anyday and anywhere) to deal directly with National Admin, in cash and otherwise.

What more can I say, let me talk of the examination administration, NOUN examinations are technically created, administered in such a way to widen and broaden students' reason ability, reading skill, study skill and learning skill. The school has for wings of examinations, The e-exams (Electronic Exam) and the Pen on Paper (PoP). The E-exam is meant for the 100L and 200L students while the POP is meant for the 300L upward (Post graduate inclusive) I have observed so much well that students can hardly cheat during examination and blocking after examination is impossible. Same goes to the Pen-On-Paper examination, where no Tutor fail student intentionally due to disagreement, because xxam slips and booklets are transported far from the study center where those exams where not taken, marked by different lecturers of another study centre for marking and grading purposes.

NOUN students are not expose to different anti-social
school activities like extortion, cultism, malpractice
and the likes. Other credits include immunity against strike, good organization/governance and discipline, freedom from selfish and heartless Lecturers, the privilege of working and learning, freedom from bribery and corruption and lots more...

NOUN is developing its students in for the 22nd century
manner and making them fit to compete with any
Institutions be it conventional or open.

Nationally and Globally. NOUN is aiming at EQUALITY OF EDUCATION and it is a welcome development and the founding father(s) deserve a Honour and commendation.

I want to boldly and confidently say, the management of the school (VC and its cabinet) are good agents of socialization, academic progress and I want to employ the general public should therefore, respect and support the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) because they worth it. This also goes to National Youth Service Corps, I want to say, NYSC should be added to the school scheme.

Education can be affordable, flexible and enjoyable with great quality, this is what NOUN is all about.

Rauf Kazeem Isaac
School Of Education
Department of Mathematics
BSc (Ed) Mathematics, 300L
(C) January 2016.

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


My Meat is to do the Will of my Father which is in Heaven. This year, 2016 has come and is gradually fading away as they say that a drop of water makes a mighty ocean, Come to think of it, tomorrow will be another day (7/1/2016). The time spent today can't be retrieved, it is gone, it is gone!!!!

Yesterday(5/1/2016) noon, it occurred to me that I asked myself

"Isaac, last year achievement is not enough, you have set resolutions for yourself, much is expected of you this year, so, I looked up to God, and for good 3 hours, I mean 3 hours I was communicating with God, after which I slept off.

Guess what?

I had a dream, In the dream I was standing by a shadow, but to my greatest surprise, the shadow begin to speak but in language I don't understand.. And I said, "But I don't understand" The shadow said, Isaac, you have set resolutions but you need just seven steps to make sure thes 7 steps work for you.

Immediately, on my kneels, I begin to beg, show me this 7 steps I pray. The shadow said, "Go to the Eagle and learn her ways"..

Within me, I was like Eagle... Eagle..

In a twinkling of an eye, I was given a plank in which some writing were on it. I read it, digested it, crammed it until I could find the shadow anymore.

Beloved, I took my time to recall those writings and decided to share it with you and with little applicative explanation.

The title of the writing is


(1) Eagles fly alone and at high altitudes. They don't fly with sparrows or other small birds.

- Stay away from sparrows and ravens, those that bring you down. Eagles fly with Eagles. Keep good company.

(2) Eagles have an accurate vision. They have the ability to focus on something as far as 5km. No matter the obstacles, the eagle will not move his focus from the prey until he grabs it.

- Have a vision and remain focused no matter what the obstacle and you will succeed.

(3) Eagles do not eat dead things. They feed only on fresh prey.

- Do not rely on your past success, keep looking for new frontiers to conquer. Leave your past where it belongs, in the past.

(4) Eagles love the storm. When clouds gather, the eagles get excited. The eagle uses the storm's wind to lift it higher. Once it finds the wind of the storm, the eagles uses the raging storm to lift him above the clouds. This gives the eagle an opportunity to glide and rest its wings. In the meantime, all the other birds hide in the leaves and branches of the trees.

- Face your challenges knowing that these will make you emerge stronger and better than you were. We can use the storms of life to rise to greater heights. Achievers are not afraid of challenges rather they relish them and use them profitably.

(5) When a female eagle meets a male and they want to mate, she flies down to earth with the male pursing her and she picks a twig. She flies back into the air with the male pursuing her.
Once she has reached a height high enough for her, she lets the twig fall to the ground and watches it as it falls. The male chases after the twig. The faster it falls, the faster he chases until he reaches it and has to catch it before it falls to the ground, then bring it back to the female eagle.

- The female eagle grabs the twig and flies to a much higher altitude, and then drops the twig for the male to chase.
This goes on for hours, with the height increasing until the female eagle is assured that the male eagle has mastered the art of picking the twig which shows commitment, then and only then, will she allow him to mate with her!

Whether in private life or in business, one should test commitment of people intended for partnership.

(6) Eagles prepare for training. They remove the feathers and soft grass in the nest so that the young get uncomfortable in preparation for flying.

- Leave your comfort zone, there is no growth there.

(7) When the Eagle grows old, his feathers become weak and cannot take him as fast as he should. When he feels weak and about to die, he retires to a place far away in the rocks. While there, he plucks out every feather on his body until he is completely bare. He stays in this hiding place until he has grown new feathers, then he can come out.

- We occasionally need to shed off old habits, things that burden us, or add no value to our lives.

What is your resolution? It can only be accomplished if God is in it. The scripture clearly states it that

"Except the Lord build the house, the labour of them that build it is in vain"

Food for thought: Is God your "Remote Control"?

Thank you for reading...

I remain a selfrocat with the name

Rauf Kazeem Isaac
(C) January, 2016

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

Friday, 1 January 2016


It's year 2016, it is necessary I look back and recall the wondrous works of God in my life. Although, I set up resolutions for myself, but the Will of God will always be predominant after about 70% of my resolutions were achieved. This article is titled


Below are some of the NOTABLE Success and Achievements:

#January 2015, a month of which I made a new covenant with God penning down my resolutions, requests and expectations. I also planned and scheduled my 365 days of uninterrupted, unlimited and unfailing "Fear Not" as contained in my Bible.

#February 2015, i was awarded a certificate been named among the top 50 best african youth writer.

#March 2015, I was awarded a diploma certificate in Mathematics Teaching Methods by ALISON

#April 2015, Dined with the state commissioner of education of Ogun State, Branch Controller of WAEC Abeokuta and other notable ministers.

#May 2015, I was awarded a certificate on "New Concept Mathematics" by Learn Africa.

#June 2015, I was named the best student of mathematics in my school (FCET, Akoka)

#July 2015, 92% of my students who registered for WAEC mathematics cleared their papers with distinctions (A1), B2, B3 and C4

#August 2015, I got registered as a member with the Mathematicians Association of Nigeria (MAN) and Science Teachers Association of Nigeria (STAN)

#September 2015, I did pens down in school (FCET), right now preparing for my project and graduation/convocation come next year.

#October 2015, I have written 623 articles (465 published and 158 unpublished), 3 books (unpublished), and 2 journals

#November 2015, I formulated a theory/formula in mathematics under the topic "quadratic equation" - still on test by Mathematicians Association of Nigeria (MAN)

#December 2015, I want to recall dat I have never 4 one day visited the hospital nor fall seriously ill, hereby celebrated my Birthday and glory and honour be given to God, my creator

#Last year(2015) I have also being a blessing to so many people. #2015 has being a blessing to me, it's a year I will always leave to remember in all d days of my life. I have healed so many relationship life, heart broken soul, counsel, advised, teach and model so many lives....

To God be the glory and honour be ascribe to.....

This it my second article of year 2016......

I remain a sweet smelling savor with my name,

Rauf Kazeem Isaac (esq)
(C) January, 2016
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


It's year 2016, I never thought of entering into the year 2016 after several hurdles and trials, but my God who never slumber nor sleep has watched over me.

Happy new year to you, dearly beloved. find below the thought for the new year:

forget the word of slander heard;
forget the harsh, the cruel word;
forget the strife, the bitter test;
forget it all, in Him find rest.

forget the foe, the woundings had;
forget the rain, the weather bad;
forget the suffering, the days so cold;
forget it all as time grows old.

forget the storm's of yesterday;
forget the rocks, the days so dear.
forget the clouds you have passed through
forget it all, He loveth you.

Remember this, His sovereign grace
Sufficient is for every place;
O'er every for with Christ within
We shall o'ercome, the vict'ry win.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. No matter what a man's past May have been, his future is spotless


Date does not change Destiny except we are built on the strong foundation.


(Source: Deeper Life Bible Church Watch Night Service Outline, 31/12/2015)

For the rest of this year, No lack, no loss, and no limitation in your life in Jesus' Name....

My first article of the year 2016....

I was Rauf Kazeem Isaac last year (2015), this year I am

Rauf Kazeem Isaac
(C) January 2016.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN