Friday, 4 December 2015


Today makes it 9days to my Birthday.... Yes, I mean 13th December, 2015 is my Birthday! Yesterday, I discussed and broadcasted a topic titled


Tonight, I want to continue with the same topic


With what I discussed yesterday, I outlined some deeds, acts and works of our present so called leaders, but it is clear that what our present elected leaders are doing is not the vision of our heroes past. Can't you imagine, we, Nigerians, sending our sons and daughters to study abroad when we can afford to give them the best education in Nigeria was not the dream our heroes had. Going abroad at the slightest medical condition when our hospitals could become as good as those in those foreign countries was not what vision great men like Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe and Alhaji Sir Tafawa Balewa had for this great nation.

Today, when a governor coughs, he flies to a hospital in Germany. What about the common Nigerian? Where will he fly to when he coughs? You know the answer to this question yourself. Nigerian doctors and nurses are one of the best in the world but rather than providing them everything they need to be the best in the world, our leaders leave them to 'manage' with substandard equipments while they will run off to Germany to receive the best medical attention at the slightest whim.

It's of no doubt that some of our present leaders may have the best at heart. Some may truly care for the people but surround themselves with hungry praise singers as advisers and assistants and those people cause them to loose their vision. Some elected leaders have come with good intentions but when the foundation (advisory) is faulty, the so called advisers will fail in its objectives. This is very obtainable in higher institutions today.

Imagine a school were advisers will copy school policies workable in another country and without thoroughly scrutinizing the policy will introduce same to the weak and ill-heart leaders to implement. On more than one occasion this has happened in this country causing untold hardship of the people who are already suffering. As a leader, God has given you a head to reason with and expects you to reason and carry out adequate consultations from people who will tell you the trust for what it is before accepting or rejecting the advise. This however is not obtainable in Nigeria.

Our leaders tell us to be patient. Are they known for patience themselves? Our leaders are the most impatient
people and still urge us to be patient while they enjoy all the blessings God gave this nation alone. They tell us to be patient for roads but they do not feel what we feel because they barely use our bad roads. They are busy blowing tax-payers money and our national blessings on jet fuel. They tell us to be patient for electricity while they have their Mikano generators giving them twenty-four hours light at our own expense. The common Nigeria barely manages to eat three meals a day while all their meals are buffets and they still tell us to be patient.

The problems in this country today are the aftermath of greed. Islamic militancy, kidnapping, armed robbery all have roots from the greed of our leaders. If our leaders were more sincere, we will have uninterrupted power supply in this country which will boost industry and create employment reducing the number of idle youth vulnerable to a life of crime. If our leaders were sincere, they would create job opportunities for the youth, an enabling environment for development and industry but greed have not yet allowed them to do the right things for their people. What a pity!

Nigeria needs re-orientation. The greed of our leaders have sipped down and affected the common citizens of this nation. Somebody asked a question some years ago 'can you die for Nigeria?' And I was not surprised to see nobody was ready to die for Nigeria.

But like I do say, "the power to rule a nation is not in the hand of the presidency nor senate! But in the hands of believer who can pray." And I want to assume and believer that the reader of this article is a believer, if you are, what is stopping you from praying for a desolating nation, Nigeria. There are powers in the nations which are mighty and sharper than any two edged sword but the fear to use it... May God deliver us.

I, Rauf Kazeem Isaac, have powers (talents) not one, nor two, the power to write, criticize, and instruct, I promise to use it to change Nigeria. May I ask you, "What power do you have?" Identify it and use it to heal Nigeria of her wound.

My fellow citizens, it's not only prayer, like we all know, faith without works is death, for the prayer to have impact, it must be backed up with actions. John F Kennedy in one of his famous speeches to the American people said '…do not look for what America will do for you, look for what you will do for America…' But Rauf Kazeem Isaac wants to say " not look for what Nigeria will do for you, look for what you will do for Nigeria…' this is obtainable in a country that understands and honors its debts and obligations to her citizens. Nigeria is yet to understand and honor her debts and obligations to her citizens. Our founding fathers are looking down with shame and regret. Men and women who died for Nigeria, who gave their lives for our freedom and unity weep in their graves.

I know this article will travel far, because I publish it @ and I pray it doesn't leads to arrest.


I must say at this juncture that we have failed.

Great Nigerians, let me stop PART 2 here while you awaits the final part! (Part 3).

It's my pleasure you read this...

Goodevening to you all.....

Rauf Kazeem Isaac (esq.)
(C) December, 2015

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

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